Y&R Best Lines Tuesday, October 10, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Traci: Jack and Diane seem so happy, donā€™t they, Billy?

Billy: Yeah. No, it was a very lovely ceremony.

Traci: Yeah. And for Kyle to be the one to pronounce them husband and wife is just, I mean, how awesome is that? Billy. Billy!

Billy: What? Yeah.

Traci: Do you figure if you stare at that long enough youā€™re gonnaā€“ youā€™re gonna be able to tell whatā€™s inside?

Billy: Iā€™m not just staring at it. I mean, are you not curious about whatā€™s inside here?

Traci: No, I donā€™t care one little bit what sick idea of a wedding gift Tucker McCall has given them. And jack doesnā€™t care either, which is why heā€™s told us to ignore it and throw it out. So, what are we waiting for?


Traci: I donā€™t follow you.

Billy: Well, uh, this wedding gift, whatever this is, could be insight into what tuckerā€™s thinking. Right? I mean, [ Sighs ] He loves to believe that heā€™s more clever than everyone else. Like a riddle from The Riddler.

Traci: Or it could be just someā€“ something hateful and despicable that heā€™s aiming at Ashley and the Abbotts specifically.

Billy: Uh-huh.

Traci: Or it could be a blender.

[ Laughs ] Oh, I donā€™t care. Why are you obsessing about this, Billy? Come on. Letā€™s just take it to the trash, open up the lid and put it in there.

Billy: Hm. Okay. Fine.

[ Billy exhaling ] To hell with it.

Traci: Oh, Billy, what are you doing?

Billy: No, Iā€™m just satisfying my curiosity.

Traci: Come on, Jack said thatā€“

Billy: I know what Jack said. He said, get rid of it and I will. I just want to see whatā€™s inside first and weā€™ll start with the card. ā€œMay this symbol of harmony, balance, and patience bring those elements to your new life as husband and wife.ā€ Thatā€™s very sweet. It rhymes. Okay.

[ Traci sighing ]

Traci: Hm. I guess thatā€™s it, huh?

Billy: Hm.

Traci: No evil dolls or exploding clocks.

[ Traci laughing ] I hope youā€™re satisfied.


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