Y&R Best Lines Thursday, October 5, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Lily: What exactly are your intentions at chancellor-winters?

Jill: Yeah, actually, I’m pretty curious about that myself.

[ Mamie laughs ]

Mamie: Jill, Jill, Jill. Who but you would show up at a private party to which you were not invited? Well, I can’t really say that I’m that surprised, but, oh, how rude.

Jill: You see, it just– it all seemed a little wonky, this secret investor thing the way it played out, so I just had to come and see firsthand if it was indeed you, Mamie, who bought into my company. And if so, why?

Mamie: Well, when this investment opportunity came to my attention, I just couldn’t refuse. Oh, come on, Jill, it’s wonderful, isn’t it? To be able to support a successful business and to reconnect with my family?


Mamie: Jill, why is it that you only see shadows and secrets? I suppose that’s just how your mind thinks. But that’s not how the rest of us live our lives. This is my family that you’re in business with. You see the bottom line. I see love and togetherness. This is just not about you, honey.

Jill: Oh, lord, forgive me, Mamie, but I know who you really are and I find it very hard not to doubt your motives.

Mamie: [ Laughs ] Okay. So, Devon is correct. I didn’t have to make an investment in chancellor-winters in order to spend time with the people that I care about, but why not take advantage of a good business move at the same time?

Jill: Good choice of words. Boy, you really know about taking advantage, don’t you?

Mamie: Oh, no, you don’t wanna go down that road. I sit alongside John Abbott all those years that he was building his business empire. I took good care of the Abbott children.

Jill: You just stood alongside him? Sorry, honey, that wasn’t you.


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