Y&R Best Lines Friday, September 8, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Adam: You sound surprised, which is understandable. You know, it’s how I’ve always operated. Never apologize, never back down, eyes on the prize. I just can’t believe this is what it’s taken.

Sally: For what?

Adam: For me to see who I am and how I’ve been living. I mean, this is finally the wake-up call that I needed. I mean, the– the second part of the wake-up call.

Sally: What was the first part?

Adam: Losing our daughter the same moment I lost you.


Diane: You have to know that we love you, and we always want your best interests at heart.

Jack: If we see you going down a bad path, we are always going to speak up.

Kyle: Oh, no, no, no, actually it’s a great path. You know, it’s a new life, a new job. I’m having a blast and loving every minute of it. Just like smiling jack in his old days.

Jack: I want you to come back to Jabot. I think we should talk about the possibilities.

Kyle: I have a job at a media company that is growing and thriving. I work alongside Nikki Newman. I don’t need anything. Oh, um, and I broke things off with Audra Charles. So, what exactly is the problem? She found it.

Diane: It’s my understanding that audra is being kept on at newman media.

Kyle: Yeah, we can work together without being in a personal relationship.

Diane: Was it your idea to break things off?

Kyle: This has nothing to do with summer, if that’s what you’re asking. We’re not going to get back together and audra is not to blame.

Diane: You’re the one who brought her up.

Kyle: Yeah, because you’re both so worried I’m on this road to hell.


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