Y&R Best Lines Friday, September 1, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Adam: Single malt. Neat.

[ Billy chuckles ]

Billy: Hmm. It’s funny, actually. For the first time in a very long time, maybe actually ever, I can see the world through your eyes. And it ain’t pretty.


Ashley: Okay, okay, okay. Listen, I will back off. I will give her the benefit of the doubt for now.

Jack: Still choking on those words, are you?

Ashley: Like a grape.

Jack: It doesn’t have to be all warm and fuzzy. We haven’t always agreed with each other’s choice of partners.

Ashley: Oh, really? Phyllis.

Jack: Yeah. And vVctor.

Ashley: Right. Whatever.

Jack: Look, we can be kind and tolerant.

Ashley: To a point. And that point, you’re not gonna like it, but it’s gonna hinge on Diane. It has to. I mean, if she behaves herself and– and she turns out to be everything that you’ve said she is all along, then I will not just lay down my sword, I will bury the damn thing.

Jack: I will help you buy the shovel,

Ashley: Okay, but… if she takes one misstep, I’m telling you right now, and if all my fears about her come true, I will be back with a vengeance, Jack, and I will be holding that sword so high.


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