Y&R Best Lines Monday, August 14, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Traci: If you’re asking about ashley, she’s a little nervous. She’s maybe more nervous than I’ve ever seen her.

Jack: Well, that seems appropriate when you’re about to make the biggest mistake of your life.

Traci: Oh, stop. You promised. I’m– these are good nerves. These are bride-to-be nerves. Our sister is genuinely excited and happy, and we should be happy for her. I mean, who knows? Maybe this really is her time.


Tucker: I understand your skepticism, victor, it’s– I get it, it’s, uh… but you’re wrong this time, actually, you know. She does love me and I love her. Sticking it to– to Diane and jack is icing on the wedding cake.

Victor: You’re forgetting who you’re talking to. I know that you and ashley bought a company in Europe.

[ Tucker scoffing ] As the foundation for a new business.

Tucker: Wow. Man, you never cease to amaze me. We thought we had a tight lid on that one. Not even jack knows about it.

Victor: And he’s not even a silent partner in it.

Tucker: Mm-mm. Score one for you.

Victor: So… I’ve known Ashley for a while. She’s not going to sever ties with jabot. She simply is doing this in order to wrest control away from jack. You’re just along for the ride.

Tucker: Yeah. You might be right. On the other hand, you might be wrong,

[ Victor chuckling ] But I got a wedding–

Victor: You’re talking in riddles. Be careful, son.


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