Y&R Best Lines Monday, July 31, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Sharon: Oh, my gosh. Thank you for bringing aria by. I swear she has gotten bigger since the last time I saw her.

Mariah: Since yesterday?

Sharon: Well, babies change quickly.

Tessa: If you’re trying to imply that you want to see aria every day, message received.

Mariah: The only way to get her to settle down is by driving her around now. So, once she was conked out, we figured we would risk it and come grab a cup of coffee, and also, check in on you.

Tessa: But everyone needs to stay quiet, so she’ll stay asleep.


Mariah: That is a very good point. I mean, Sharon and Nick, great. Sharon, nick and Adam? Maybe not so great. And once upon a time, Adam was obsessed with Sharon and now I guess it– it’s sally, but who knows what’s next for that guy?

[ Both laughing ] But on the flip side, how stressful and uncomfortable is it gonna get at Jabot?

Tessa: Hmm. I know that you want to look at every angle, assess every risk, but you’re not gonna have complete information to make this decision. You’re gonna have to trust your judgment. What do you think will give you the best chance at success and happiness?


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