Y&R Best Lines Friday, August 4, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Adam: It feels like a mistake because she brings out the best part of me. I mean, isn’t that a good thing? That I want to be a better person? Isn’t that what everybody wants me to do?

Sharon: Adam, you see yourself as this dark and broken person, but you know, you’re a better man than you were and Sally had nothing to do with that. She saw that in you. Sally is with Nick now. She’s recovering from her terrible loss with his support. Now, there is support for you too, if you want to take it, but hanging on to a love that has no chance is only gonna hurt you more.

Adam: Sally and I, we belong together. What we shared, it was real and it was powerful. The only reason that she’s even with Nick is because she thinks he’s a safer choice. It’s not because they’re actually in love, Sharon.

Sharon: That sounds like wishful thinking. You don’t get to decide what’s in Sally’s heart or in Nick’s.

Adam: [ Scoffing ] Sharon, the whole town knows that Nick still loves you. You’re his one true love. I mean, if– if he would just see that and embrace it, everything would just fall into place.

Sharon: Okay, what is that supposed to mean?

Adam: What are you talking about? Am I wrong?

Sharon: Um, if this is the way that you see Nicholas and me, how are we supposed to work together? This company means a lot to me, Adam. It’s very important. I am ready to create something extraordinary and I would like to do so with you and Nick, but maybe we do need to reconsider things because frankly, we have all been through hell recently. All three of us and Nick and I are ready to move forward. How about you?


Adam:  sorry. That was my mistake. I actually should have never pushed you into talking about what is bothering you. You are entitled to your feelings. But if that ends up impacting this partnership, it is going to be a problem. It’s time to move forward and focus on our own lives.

[ Adam sighing ]


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