Y&R Best Lines Friday, July 14, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Phyllis: Ah, okay. We need another cosmetic company, that’s for sure.

Tucker: This is not going to be just another cosmetic company. We’re going to have all of Ashley’s patents, which we will have rested from Jabot, and then we are going to take Jabot and we are going to… grind it into a fine powder and then scoop it up for pennies on the dollar.

Phyllis: My eyes are glazing over.

Tucker: But when we take over Jabot, Diane is going to be the major challenge, as I assume you know she has been promoted to the C-suite. Ergo, we would like her out of the way.

Phyllis: Out of the way?

Tucker: Um, di– distracted. Thrown off her game in whatever way possible and what better way to achieve that than to have you return? All your glory. Vindicated and Victorious.

Phyllis: Right. So… you give me my freedom… so I can come back to town and screw Diane over.

Tucker You got it.


Lily: How do you not realize that you dating Victoria throws everything that you two did to Devon and me in our faces? Do you really think that we’re just going to forget that?

Nate: Lily, did you forget that Devon tried to take you to court? Or did you forget that Devon and Abby cheated on Amanda and Chance, got caught red-handed? Humiliated them, but they’re treated like the happy new couple in town. Everyone’s moved on. I am just as happy with Victoria, but all you and everyone else can see is the past. I admit it. I crossed a line. And I am sorry I hurt Elena, but the truth is, I’ve never been more comfortable in my own skin than I am now, with Victoria.

Lily: Yeah, Nate, that’s what’s scary. It’s terrifying because Elena was your conscience, and Victoria can’t give you that. I mean, she’s pushing you to be bigger and better and collateral damage be damned.

Nate: For the record, I made the effort tonight


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