GH Short Recap Friday, June 30, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Sonny has a talk with Sasha and she admits she has doubts about getting out of the guardianship but she feels that she is ready to do it. Sonny tells Sasha it is normal that she have doubts but it’s time she live her life.

Ava and Austin have sex and immediately afterwards Ava tells Austin to leave because they made a big mistake.

Violet has a bad dream, so Elizabeth makes her warm milk with cinnamon to help her go to sleep.

Elizabeth tells Finn she had a good time on their surprise date which Violet planned for them.

Jordan is angry with Zeke and Curtis and tells them both to leave her office. Jordan tells Zeke he never should have told Portia that she kissed Curtis. Jordan tells Curtis to work on his marriage and leave her out of it.

Trina tells Portia she doesn’t like that Spencer has to spend time with Esme.

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