Y&R Best Lines Friday, June 23, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Nick: Gotta hand it to you, Nate.

Nate: Why is that?

Nick: Pretty smooth, man. And you know exactly what I’m talking about.

Tucker: Uh, can I get another one please? This could be interesting


Adam: Don’t– don’t push me away. Just– just hear me out. How could you think that I could give a blanket permission that could take your life?

Sally: So, instead, you sacrificed our baby.

Adam: I had to make a lifesaving decision. Time was of the essence. Okay, when you– when you heard me before, you couldn’t look into my eyes, but now you can. Sally, we have never been able to lie to each other with much success, but if you would just look at me, you will know that I mean every word. You will see how much I am grieving our little baby girl and how I will never get over something like that, but at least I’m not grieving you. Even if I had opted to save the baby, there was no guarantee that she was going to live. I couldn’t risk losing both of you. And I’ll never regret saving you because you deserve to live.

Sally: Yes, but ava deserved to live too.

Adam: But you will be a mother again someday. You’ll be the mother that you always wanted to be. And even though I won’t be the father, your next baby will be the luckiest little being in the world. Because she’ll have you as her mother. If I could only save one life for sure, it had to be yours.

Sally: Just go. Please just go.

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