Days Transcript Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


What do you want? I’m busy and in a swell mood. I see. Yes. Well, I’m working, so if this doesn’t have to do with work, then it does have to do with work, as does your foul mood. I bet. You’re upset because Carl Gottle handed in his resignation. Your Elon Musk managerial style blew up in your face, and now you’re scrambling to fix the mess you made.

Aren’t you? The mess I made, I didn’t bloody sack him. The whiny little tosser quit because you treated him like an incompetent temp. I merely suggested that he and his team work a little bit harder to secure more digital ad buys this quarter. Mm. You cursed him out in front of his entire team. So he walked and now we don’t have an ad sales director.

Look, he was looking for an excuse to quit. He saw my father as walking on water and he saw me as the bitch who shoved him off of his own paper. You are the bitch. You shop jack off his own paper. I did that for you.

Now, as I said, I’m very busy, so if you don’t mind, just get the hell out of here so I can pull a new sales manager out of a out of a hat. You don’t have to. I already found one. What? Who? Chloe Lane. Dead.

Hey. Hey, yourself. I’m sorry for not calling. Before showing up. Well, if you’re here to tell me that, Kristen’s out of prison. I already had the pleasure of running into her. It was a really nice surprise. Uh, did she threaten you or anything? No, it was fine. Okay. Okay, good. I’m sure she’ll be leaving you alone now that we’re no longer together.

Yeah. As always, Kristen got what she wanted. Well, I don’t wanna talk about Kristen. Listen, I uh, I have a proposition for you.

Thank you. Mm-hmm. You know, looking on the bright side like I always do, there’s a real upside to unemployment. Mm. And that would be, I don’t have to worry about keeping a clear head in the morning, cuz even hungover, I can still work the remote. Mm. Well, I still think you need to give Maggie some time to cool down and to see that Titan needs you.

Yeah. Well, I’m not gonna hold my breath screwing up that deal from Maggie. That was the last straw. Sad fact is my career at Titan is over.

Hi. Welcome home. It’s scared to be home. Victor’s, uh, he’s resting. He didn’t sleep at all on the plane. Yeah. I was surprised when I heard you were coming home. I thought you’d wanna stay on in Greece with Bo The doctors are moving him to a long-term care facility, so he’s still in a coma. Mm-hmm. We’re not giving up hope, though.

Of course not. You know, there’s just really nothing we could do there. And the thing is, for Victor not being able to do something was hell. I know that. So I finally convinced him to come home. Sing Bo like that. Hmm. It was hard on him. I understand. Family is everything. So what are you doing here?

Henderson told me that you and Bonnie were going to Chicago to see Mimi and, and Emily. Yes. Uh, Bonnie went. But um, when I heard you were coming home, I decided to stay here. You didn’t need to do that. Yes, I did because I needed to ask you why the hell you fired my son from the family business.

Surprise. Hello buddy. How I would’ve called, but I didn’t want You have to come up with an excuse, huh? So you, yeah. Well, I’m up to see Mimi and Emily and Mimi. Tell me tonight was your night with Emily and what were you doing just now You look like you’re about to audition to replace Captain America. I’m just working out.

Huh, soon as to be working for you. Well enough about you. Where’s Emily? Oh, let me get my sweet grand baby. I know. I’m so sorry. It’s late and she’s already asleep. Oh, darn it. Yeah. So, um, sorry you wasted the trip. Well, can, can I, can I just take a peek at her please? I won’t wake her up. Please listen. Okay.

Okay. I just. A peak, Ken’s first bedroom on your right. Oh, you’re a adult. Thank you. Thank you. Thank

about Grand Central Station.

Like sand through the hourglass. So are the days of our lives.

Sarah wasn’t expecting you. I, I’m so sorry to show up like this, but I have news and I just, I had to tell you one person. Yeah, I have some news too, so, okay, so when you left, One of our patients in our clinical trial had a breakthrough. His immune system is responding just as we predicted it would. Really?

Yes. I ran the test three times and we did it. We did it. Oh my God, that’s so great. But listen, you, you have this, this is gonna change the way that we treat infectious diseases, Sarah. Bonnie’s here. Sarah Horton. Is that you?

Over my dead body. Come on Gwen. You’re desperate. We have to replace got bay s a desperate, not so desperate, to the point where we resort to hiring your girlfriend. Chloe’s not my girlfriend. We’re just roommates. Yeah, right. Well, you’re so interested in what’s going on with me and Chloe. I thought you were busy shagging Alex all the time.

Wow. Well that’s over now. He ended it. He indeed. Yeah. Something about. Wanting to be a better person or something. I don’t know. It’s all about the impossible dream. Look, if we can just go back to talking about what we were talking about. We need a qualified, seasoned sales professional to replace Gotley, not some outer work, bloody lounge singer.

Close an opera singer. Oh yeah. That changes everything, doesn’t it? Singing La Traviata isn’t exactly an MBA in three years experience like we are looking for, Chloe ran a successful restaurant and she’s had important jobs at Basic Black and Amara Enterprises. She’s more than qualified. Oh, brilliant. Well then she can get a job elsewhere, can’t she?

Because we are not hiring her at the Spectator. And that’s final.

Do you mind if I come in so we can talk about this? Do you wanna come in to talk about things or do you wanna come and check things out? How many times do I have to tell you? Xander and I are just, we’re all close. I don’t wanna talk about Xander. I don’t care about Xander. Okay. I have a business proposition for you.

I want you to come back to Basic Black.

I understand you’re upset with me. But you have no right to use that tone with me. What tone should I use? You canned my son over the phone because he didn’t follow direct orders, and as a result we lost a multimillion dollar deal, a deal that was already negotiated and all he had to do was close it. But what he did in reality was scare the client off.

Alex didn’t scare him off the deal. Did there were problems in that deal from the start? Really? Well, I guess that’s Alex’s version of what happened. He’s very good at coming up with excuses. It’s the other part of the job that he’s having trouble with. Hmm. So that’s your call, right? You’ve been a corporate mogul for all of what, five minutes.

Who are you to say that Alex isn’t qualified? Hmm. And there it is. That’s it, isn’t it? You don’t think I’m qualified? Well, the fact is, Victor die. And by the way, Justin, he agrees with me about Alex. Alex, you’re being too hard on yourself. You had no idea how the client was gonna behave at that meeting.

Maggie completely overreacted by firing you. He really thinks so. Yeah, I do. I think she might have a point here. You’re impossible. Do you want another beer? Yes, please. Thank you, and I’m sorry for being such a rotten company. Maybe uh, maybe you can talk to Dr. Evans about that. Yeah, I’ll get it.

Hi honey, I’m home.

Chad, you’re back. Hey. Yeah. I got in a couple hours ago. I talked to the kids and uh, came straight here.

I really missed you. Same. Tell me everything. I was worried. Uh, first Alex to, uh, what do we owe? The pleasure.

You want me to come back to work at Basic Block? I do. Look, Nicole is working with EJ at Damara. All right. And I’m all alone over there. And, I need you, Brady. I’m not sure. Wait, I promise if you come back, we’ll keep everything strictly professional. That’s easier said than done. You have my word on it. Look, it’s not, look, it’s not the same over there without you.

You know that we work well together. And you know that I respect your work and your work ethic and what you do over there at the base of black office. So come on, just please tell, say you will, Brady. I’m, I’m sorry, I can’t, if if it’s Kristen, don’t worry about it. I’ll beef up security. No, it’s not. Kristen, what’s the problem then?

It isn’t a problem. It’s just that I was offered a new job. I’ll be working at the spectator.

What is Xander?

Uh, the way I understand it. We run the spectators as a partnership. You don’t get to just make unilateral staffing decisions. You know what? You are absolutely right. We do run this business together, don’t we? And so that means I assume that we both want the most qualified candidate for the job. Is that right?

Right, right. So perfect. Then you and I can put a job notice up and then together we will choose the most qualified. Candidate for sales marketing director and Chloe is more than welcome to apply. It’s actually kind of sad. What is your jealousy? Just the thought of seeing Chloe and I working together is making you greener with envy than she hawk, isn’t it?

Oh God. For God’s sake, I am not jealous. Especially jealous of Chloe Bloody lane. Yeah, just keep telling yourself that,

Sarah. Aren’t you gonna turn around and say hi? Oh. Funny. Frankton told you were here. You didn’t let me. Oh, what are you doing in Chicago? Well, I came up to see Mimi and Emily and I’m sorry, but that handbag isn’t fooling anyone. One, there’s no luggage picking up to hide the fact that you’re knocked up, sweetie.

And like I said, I was at the meeting so I know that Alex was doing everything he could to save the deal. Yeah, I don’t think he really cares for stuff. Oh, man. No, no. I, uh, I realized that getting kicked out of the family business, man, it sucks, but damn What I mean, getting fired by Maggie. And they’d be like getting canned by, uh, Glen to the good witch.

It’s not funny. No, it’s not. It’s actually, that’s the worst part about it, is it’s just, it must have been so damn humiliating. You know, I’m gonna let you guys, uh, have a little alone time. Uh, thank you again. Stuff for the beer, Alex. Appreciate it. No, no, no. You know. No, you know what? He’s right. He’s, he’s right.

Maggie is just about the nicest person I’ve ever known. Yes. I just feel horrible about letting him down.

Okay. Did you really have to kick the guy while he is down? Okay. He’ll be fine. Trust me. What? Okay. Look, I’m sorry, I just, I just got back from Greece where Kate was almost killed, or your father was shot and Bob Brady is still in Tacoma. So, you know, I’m, I’m, I’m sorry if I don’t have the patience to come in here and, and see Alex pretending to cry in his beer over a job that, quite honestly, he never should have had in the first place.

He was a guest in my home. Why? I’m Stephanie. How can you forgive him after what he did to you?

Justin, I’m running a business letting Alex go. What’s a business decision? He asked me to give him a chance. I gave it to him regretfully, but he didn’t deliver. I don’t think it’s fair of you. To make this a family issue, to make it personal. This is a family business, Maggie. It’s all personal. Okay. Look, I understand that I can be a little protective of Alex.

Adrian and I did our best to keep things steady for him at home. But Angelica would swoop in and swoop out and I mean it’s, it’s no wonder that he seems to struggle in his relationships with women. In his personal life and in the workplace he’s in therapy. I’m sure you’re aware of that. Yes, he told me, but it doesn’t change the fact that I left him specific instructions on how to handle this meeting and he went rogue.

Okay, Maggie, look, I understand that Alex blew this deal by going rogue as you put it. But what’s killing him? It’s not that he lost the job, it’s letting you down. So isn’t there just some way that you can just give him one more chance?

Remind me to never play poker with Maggie. She sure knows how to keep her cards close to her. Vesta had no idea you were expecting, sweetie. Yeah, that’s cuz uh, she. Doesn’t know no one in Salem does. Oh, why not? You don’t have to answer that. You don’t want anyone to know because it’s Santa’s baby, isn’t it?

That’s what you wanna think. Isn’t it because it would already feed your huge ego to think that I’m jealous of Chloe la, which I am not. I don’t wanna hire that bloody dullard of a woman because she’s not qualified for the bloody job. And yet when I showed up here, you were desperate to get some anyone.

In place. I guess she just meant anyone but Chloe. Huh? Anyone who is qualified. She has qualified and she can start work immediately. Gwen, we don’t have time to recruit and screen candidates. I’m putting my foot down. I offer Chloe the job. It’s hers. End off

fine. Hire her. But when this turns out to be an absolutely unmitigated disaster, it’s coming outta your half of the profits. Agreed. You know, it is a pleasure as always, hashing things out with you partner. I’ll go tell Chloe the good news. Run along. Do that.

Bonnie, you’re way off face here. Oh, I don’t think so. Look how fast you left town after you found out Xander was up to his old tricks. You wanted him out of your life and out of your baby’s life too. No, you, you don’t understand, you know, you couldn’t trust him when there’s a baby. And you know how Kira, cuz men are, their children are everything to them.

And Xander would never leave you alone. Bonnie. She doesn’t need this right now. Okay? Trust me, honey. I know what you’re going through better than anyone. My ex-husband was a complete piece of work. But listen, I really truly believe that Xander has changed this time, the better. And if I could forgive him for kidnapping, me and Susan, this has nothing to do with Xander.

Yes, it does. Honey, he has every right to know that he’s the father of this baby. There’s nothing to do with Xander because he’s not the father. I.

You’re the father. Mm-hmm. Yes I am. Mimi didn’t tell me you too. Were back together because we’re not. So you had a one night stand? Um, Bonnie. Do you remember when I found out that Xander had hooked up with Gwen Right after I told him that our marriage was over? Yeah. Well, um, I slept with Rex on the rebound and I ended up pregnant.

We didn’t find out until we moved to Chicago and yeah, we, we tried dating, but it didn’t work. Oh, okay. So Forex as the father, why keep it a secret, especially from Maggie? Especially from her. I said I didn’t want her to judge me or tell me that I was making a mistake. You know how my mom can be. Yeah.

Forgiving and open-minded and sweet as the day is long. Sounds like you don’t believe us because I don’t, cuz I know you two are lying through your teeth,

John. My mom is back. Marlena is back. Kate is alive and safe. Is Alex really what we wanna talk about? No. Okay, so then can we please just rewind, I don’t want to talk about Alex anymore. It’s not like there’s nothing else that we can talk about.

You saved Kate, and I understand that you have a new relative, Dimitri Von Leischner, isn’t it? Yeah, he’s a very fun guy. He’s a lot like his, his mother, um, sociopathic . Him and his mom are, uh, They, like James Vaughn owns Mm, I don’t really want to talk about them either. Mm. In what the, uh, stock market, the Cubs,

uh, I don’t really want to talk about any that stuff. I, um,

Hey Glen. Hey. How yourself, oh, you think maybe you could hold up a minute? I was actually on my way to see you. Oh. You, um, rethinking all of that better person rubbish. Hmm. No, but I did hear a rumor that your ad director quit. And the thing is, I happen to now be looking for a job. A job. Mm-hmm. You have a job, you have a dream job.

Why would you ever leave Tyson? Well, I didn’t leave Titan. I got fired. Oh. Oh, that’s unfortunate. It is unfortunate. But as you know, I do have experience in marketing and I’m a damn good salesman. So yeah. Maybe Alex, I’m so sorry, but we’ve just hired a new ad director already. Yeah, it’s a shame too, because you would’ve been, you would’ve been quite good.

But, um, Zander’s forced me into hiring his roommate. Turns out he wants to spend even more time with her. You don’t really seem too happy about that? Well, aside from the fact that the person in question is unqualified inci and absolutely makes my skin crawl, no. Yeah, I’m thrilled. Hmm. Well, it sounds like you’re knight and is going just about as well as mine is.

Yeah. Sounds like.

Uh, maybe, maybe you and I could, I dunno, help each other get our minds off of our troubles.

So Xander offered you a job at Jack and Jennifer’s paper. It’s Xander and Gwen’s paper now. Yeah. Yeah, because they stole it. How does Gwen feel about all this? Gwen, she’s, she’s fine with it. Is this really what you want? I mean, you really want to be living with him and working with him. I’m not saying it’s ideal.

Ideal, Chloe, my God. I mean, Xander’s Ale, but he’s nothing compared to Gwen. I mean, you might want to consider hiring a food taster if you go to work for her. I heard she’s pretty rough on women who rub her the wrong way. Oh my God. Why are you doing this? And what business is it of yours where I’m working, Chloe?

They’re not only horrible people. They know nothing about running a newspaper. It’s not gonna be long before they tank the spectator, and I don’t want to see you get hurt in the fall out. Tell us how you really feely.

Sounds like you don’t believe us because it doesn’t make any sense. You two are doctors. You do know where babies come from. Even doctors have accidents. See, I don’t think it was an accident. I think you wanted to have a baby. Sanders’s baby, and I think you got pregnant with Sanders before you found out he was running around town kidnapping people in a damn clown city.

All you enough, this is none of your damn business.

Thank you for.

It’s not gonna work.

You’re right. Okay. The baby is.

Hello Xander. Guess I better go. Oh, no, no. Stick around. I get the feeling. You’re just getting started. You know Brady. Brady don’t. Okay. Okay. Um, Good luck with your new job. I have a feeling you’re gonna need it pop by anytime. It’s always a pleasure. Was that really necessary? What? Come home to find him talking crap about me in my living room.

I’m just supposed to take it. The maturing thing would’ve been to ignore him. Trudy’s never been my strong point. Has it? Yeah. I’ve noticed. Speaking of mature and rational people, how did Gwen take you? Offering me a job? Well, I think you should be more careful how you speak about one of your new employers.

Are you serious? What did I tell you? You’ve got the job,

Gwen. Um, I don’t know. Yeah, I forgot. You’ve turned a new leaf, haven’t you? No more random shags. How’s that working out for you? By the way? Are you down the road now to becoming the new and improved Alex Kakkis? It’s going well. Actually, Dr. Evans is helping me out a lot. That’s good. I’m glad. Mm. Well, thank you.

Now all I need now is somebody to help me get my career back on track. Yeah, well good luck with that and I will see you around or not. You’ll see me around.

Did I hear somebody say they needed to get their career back on track? Oh, there he is. It’s up. Brady, I didn’t hear you coming in. I wasn’t. He was dropping. But um, if you need a job, I may have something for you. Nicole left. I’m swamped at basic plaque. You want me to come work for you? Yeah. I mean, why not?

Look, it was your idea, right? To put Eric and Nicole on that cover to launch our new collection and that thing flew off the shelves. I think you, you got a natural knack for marketing. Well, I don’t know if Uncle Vic and Auntie Mag would agree with that. I’ll tell you about Grandpa Vic. For 30 years, he has dangled that c e o Titan position over all of us.

Hmm, I get carry on a stick. The best thing I ever did is get off that treadmill. Why don’t you declare your independence and why don’t you come work with me?

Justin, I’ve given Alex so many chances. I know, but this time. Will be different because I personally am gonna be watching him like a hawk. Becky. He really needs this. Ah, you carry us men. You just don’t give up until you get what you want. It’s in our dna. N So you’ll think about this? No, no, no. Okay. You win.

He can start tomorrow. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. This is his last chance. I swear, absolutely. You’ll not regret this. Oh, I hope not For all of our.

Thirsty. Oh, am I parched?

So tell me about this Dimitri guy. Well, thank you. He got here. He, um, he definitely has damara blooding him. He, uh, he managed to burn hostages from Unity, not only for himself, but for him and his mother. Who’s your half sister, right? Megan Hathaway. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Apparently my, uh, my father never wore protection.

So back to this Dimitri guy, maybe he got immunity, but he’s still on the issa’s radar. It’s only a matter of time before he commits a crime somewhere out there. And yeah. And then he loses his immunity. No, no, no. Not out there. He’s coming here to Salem. What? Oh yeah. I didn’t tell you that. Yeah, he wanted to fly on the same plane back here.

He thinks we’re gonna be best friends, but why? What’s there in Salem? He could want, I know. Family. At least that’s what he says. I mean, you didn’t take him in his word. No, I didn’t. No, I don’t, I don’t think he’s here to be a part of the family. I think he’s, uh, coming here to destroy it.

Dad thought you’re going to Chicago. What’s going on? Well, we have some good news, Maggie and I just. Had a long conversation and she has agreed to give you your job back. Really? Wow. That’s all you can say. Nothing like, thanks and Maggie, that’s so nice of you. Well, I’m sorry dad. It’s just been kind of a weird night.

It took me by surprise. When it rains and pours. Hey Alex. I just spent the better part of an hour trying to convince Maggie that you’re not a flake. So for me, can you just try not to act like one? Right.

Well, auntie Mag, I can’t tell you how happy it makes me that you think you can trust me again, but I’m not gonna be able to take back the job. What? Why not? Well, this just happened, but I have another job. Brady wants me to work for him at Basic Black

Minute. Hey, you have a minute. No, not after the way you talked to me the last time I had the pleasure. I’m sorry. I didn’t know you were that fragile. That was uncalled for. Sorry. Sorry. Cut. Go Gwen. Please. Please. I need to talk to you about a mutual problem that we have that only you can solve. Go on. I know you know that Xander offered Chloe a job at The Spectator, and my guess is you think that’s a terrible idea just like I do.

Yes, I do. Good. Then I can count on you to stop it from happening. Yeah. Sorry mate. That ship has sailed. I gave Zander permission to hire her. Oh my. Why did you do that? I dunno. You have to pick and choose your battles, both in life and in business, you know? So it turns out our exes are gonna be spending even more time with each other.

So Gwen is really okay with me coming to work at the Spectator. Well, she’s not exactly thrilled about it, but she gave the green light and she’ll come around when she sees how amazing you’re gonna be at the job. Plus, the only alternative is you go back to working with Brady and we can’t have that, can we?

I suppose we can’t. So welcome aboard Ms. Lang.

Sarah, what are you doing?

She’s onto us and there’s no sense in keeping of a lie.

You’re right. I did want a baby with Xander.

But that was before I found out what he did to you and Susan and before I found out that he was mixed up with Gwen Riz check again. I don’t wanna be married to a man like that, and I sure as hell don’t want him around an innocent child, Sarah. No, but nothing. Bonnie, this isn’t your news to tell. You have to promise me no one in Salem can find out that Xander is the father of my baby.

No one.

Previously on Ride, you don’t like the fact that Misty and I are getting close.

There’s Abel, you got all that memorabilia and it could be put to good use. We need to find an investor who believes in the possibilities like we do. How did you know? My husband? You don’t wanna know. Did he cheat on me? You are more than good enough. You took him from me. I just wanna know why

I see the

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