Y&R Best Lines Wednesday, February 15, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Summer: I’m really sorry that you’re hurting. But you were warned.

Phyllis: What are you doing?

Summer: I was gonna have some champagne.

Phyllis: No. No, that champagne is for someone who wants to help me, not someone who wants to say “I told you so.”

Summer: [Scoffs]

Phyllis: Drink your water.

Summer: Bottom line, mom, you were wrong for getting involved without discussing it with Daniel.


Jack: Bad day?

Phyllis: What made you think that?

Jack: There might be something in the water.

Phyllis: [Sighs] Before you go on with all of your insight about how to deal with my daughter, I want you to know that I am emancipating myself from Summer and all of her issues — and throw my son into the mix. I’m cutting the apron strings. What?

Jack: I’m trying to picture you in an apron.

Phyllis: I’ve worn an apron before.

Jack: I find that kind of hard to believe.

Phyllis: I’ve baked once or twice.

Jack: I mean, I find it hard to believe that you are cutting yourself out of your children’s lives.

Phyllis: Oh, I am. You can only try so hard before people start letting you down in the meanest, cruelest way. And before you start up on me, saying, “Phyllis, you must have done something,” “um, Phyllis, what did you do to deserve this, you reap what you sow –”

Jack: No, you ain’t gonna hear that from me.

Phyllis: I beg your pardon?

Jack: None of those responses apply. I know exactly how you feel.

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