Y&R Best Lines Tuesday, February 14, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Victoria: No, no, no, wait! Sit back down. I promise I won’t say anything about her.

Nick: Well, that was easy.

Victoria: I am giving you, my dear brother, the gift of privacy in your love life on Valentine’s Day. Happy Valentine’s Day.

Nick: [Chuckles] Back at you.

Victoria: Besides, I’ve learned the hard way to not keep touching the hot stove. And who am I to talk after my latest romantic entanglement? You were the only person who stayed with me through that whole disastrous time. And even though you didn’t agree with my choice, you had my back. I want to do the same thing for you.


Sharon: Well, I don’t think you need to worry about that with him. You can always count on Nick to do the right thing willingly, happily. He loves being a father. It’s a trait that all the Newman men have, even though I know that victor doesn’t show it very conventionally sometimes.

Sally: Yeah. I’ve noticed.

Sharon: But I don’t think you need to worry, you know, um, as far as Nick goes. With Nick as your baby’s father, you two will be in good hands, regardless of what the future holds for the two of you romantically.

Sally: Yeah. No, I know you’re right. I know the Newman men tend to be very caring and involved fathers, but not all of them are great partners. And that makes all of this even worse.

Sharon: Well, I can understand how frightened you must be. But Nick is the best partner anyone could have on this journey. This will be a Newman baby, right? But there’s a chance the Newman father isn’t Nick.

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