Days Transcript Friday, February 3, 2023

Days of Our Lives Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne


You really slept with one Uhhuh . The ink on our divorce papers isn’t even dry yet, and you already slept with that horrible woman. Uh, I’m right here, but I do know is officially none of your business. I wanna make something clear. I don’t want you putting Gwen down how defending your girlfriend’s honor.

She couldn’t be way too rid of a criminal like me. What you care how I spend my night?

You laughing at me because you do this every time we go out to breakfast. Do what? Take half an hour dithering over the menu.

How many years have we been coming here for breakfast? And you always order the same thing. Do not. Western almond skilled potatoes and crisp bacon. Sometimes I order sausage . Oh, I do love that about you. You know what you want. That’s a fact.

Show what you gonna be? Sweet Rose. I Gotted style. Ooh, peanut butter, bacon and banana sandwich. Seriously, I added that one. It’s the king’s absolute favorite breakfast. And when I say King, I don’t, don’t, I don’t want breakfast. Do you understand? All I want is information. Where is Kayla? Hello? Can anybody hear me?

I’ve been dead for weeks and nobody’s come from me. Hello, anybody? Oh, is that a voice? No, sounds familiar. Excuse me, Kate. Hello, is anyone in charge here?


Hello. Hello? Can I get some service?

Hello? Hello? Are you ignoring me? Don’t touch me.

Jordan, welcome to

like Sam through the hourglass. So are the days of our lives.

Hey, did you get any sleep last night? Oh, I don’t know. Maybe a couple hours. How about you? Well, you know, I think, uh, I’m sleeping a little better, I guess. You, uh, want your regular just coffee please. Thanks. Long way to come for just coffee. Hmm. Well, I got a text from Steve. He wants to talk to me. I’m assuming it’s on funeral arrangements.

Yeah, yeah. You know, I think as difficult as that’s gonna be once we all get through it, maybe baby, maybe it just might be a little easier to. Keep going. Well, I hope you’re right about that, Roman, without doubt by my side, I don’t think anything is gonna ever be easy again.

You’re still threatening over Dr. Kay. Shoot. She was my.

She is my best friend and I need to find her. So would you please check your list? Oh, But only because you are my best friend in the whole white world. All right, now I’ve already looked under both Junction and Brady. Just, just keep checking. Okay. Just ready.

Well here it is. So fool. Put it under K for Kayla. Well that’s great cuz Nash is in the good place too. Just like you.

Jordan Ridgeway. I can’t believe this. It has been such a long time, Kate, and we have so much catching up to. Yeah. Well, I guess it’s official then, because if I’m stuck here with you, that means I died and went straight to hell. Kate, Kate, Kate is me. Kayla, your sister-in-law. I’m, I’m, I mean, I’m in this room with a locked door.

It’s been weeks. Somebody, anybody please get me the hell out of here. We don’t usually cuss up here.

Oh my God.

I was so surprised when they told me you were here. I thought for sure they made a mistake.

It’s really you. Oh.

You feel like I didn’t even know. You seem to have me sized up the other day. I’m just a lying, kidnapping thug. Isn’t that right? Do you deny that you traumatized Bonnie or that you are part of the reason that Susan is dead?

I shouldn’t be surprised that the night that our marriage ended, you slept with someone else. But if all the women in the world did it have to be her,

look at you got your appetite. I’m just so relieved that Kayla is where she deserves to be. I think I’m gonna need a friend and so will she. Oh, don’t you worry your little head about Dr. Kayla Cha. Cause she is about to meet a

now. Ah, Adrian, we have all missed you so much. I wish Steve could see you and, and Justin and the kids. I know my passing was a tremendous shock to them. It was for all of us. I just keep thinking of my family and what they must be going through right now. You know, I, I, I always assumed that people in heaven didn’t have the care in the world.

I’ll tell you something, I am so worried about. And how much pain he must be in. All I know is your husband is gonna be okay with a little help from his friends.

Hey guys. I’m sorry, but you’re gonna have to leave. What? Yeah, this place has been booked for a private event today. I guess nobody told you. That’s right. Well, and don’t worry about the bill. I’ll take care. You want us to just go? Yeah, I can come back tomorrow for breakfast. The breakfast will be on Roman, by the way.

But you have to go right now. I won’t. You, uh, take your toast with you he way to the car. Here you go. More shoes for you. Don’t worry about the glass. Roman won’t mind Right this way.

What the hell was that all about? Well, something tells me that this meeting is not about funeral arrangements. You got that right? Okay. Well, since I own this place, you wanna tell me what’s going on? We have a new case. We are on bereavement bereave. Not anymore. What kind of case is. The kind that needs to be top secret.

Oh, great. So this is my punishment for a lifetime of sin and shame being, being stuck in hell with you. Still as melodramatic and self-centered as ever. Honk Kate, an fyi. The infernal region. This ain’t, oh really? Oh. So where are we then? Well, we call this the in between place. It’s not as majestic as heaven, not as sweltering as hell.

We’re somewhere in between. Oh, so how long will I have to be? I mean, how many decades of rosaries am I going to have to say before I get that upgrade? It’s not that simple. The souls of individuals who end up here must be judged to see if they’re worthy of moving forward or if they must descend the eternal stairway all the way to the bottom floor.

So who’s going to judge my. Let go get them.

Oh, Dr. Kayla Johnson is in very good hands. . And what about Kate?

Do you suppose it, she made it here as well? I made anything.

Would you check your list again

please? Okay. But this is the last look she that I can do for you.

Look how your horses, you don’t got enough places to look. You know, I got beef for Brady. R for Roberts. D for Damara. What about, what about Cave for Kate? Oh, well, I.

She is. Oh. Oh, that’s wonderful. Kate needed to heaven. Not exactly.

So my eternal fate is in your hands. Damn right it is. Well, I don’t see how that’s fair. You see, when we were alive, you hated. And you don’t think I had good reason? I mean, besides the fact that you are a miserable excuse for a human being. You were so jealous of my relationship with rape that you went digging around behind my back trying to sabotage me.

Talk about holding a grudge. A grudge. Oh, this is more than a grudge lady. This is hatred for all of e. What, why be? Just because I was curious about you because I was trying to find out what your story was just because you found Clyde Weston and told him where I was hiding. I didn’t know what he had done to you, Jordan.

Irrelevant. Okay, you, you brought the man who molested me back to Salem thereby ruining my life and now it is finally coming back to ha new Catherine. Finally,

if you wanted to hurt me, you succeeded. You slept with the heartless bitch. That left me wasting away on Kristen’s private island. Here we go again. Oh, I’m sorry. Are you sick of hearing about all the awful things that you did to me and the people that I love? That’s really too bad. Did it slip your. That she worked overtime to convince you that I didn’t love you anymore.

All while knowing I was wandering around Kristin’s creaky old mansion, thinking I was some dead heiress named Renee. I remember, or maybe after Chad and Abigail rescued me, you’ll remember that your bed made. Gave me a second dose of a drug that could have left me permanently brain damaged. No, but it didn’t did it because you’re able to recall every single thing that I’ve done wrong.

And for your most recent unforgivable, wrong wrongdoing, sleeping with the sadistic a. Which,

so if you’re looking for a way to really get back at me for divorcing you, congratulations, you did it. Hats off to you.

Okay. Try not to worry. Steve has a great support system. John and Roman would go to the mat for him and so would your kids. Yeah. But John and Roman and Tripp, and Joey and Stephanie, they are all grieving too. They need Steve and I, I just, I just think, uh, think what? Tell me. I just think that Im the only one that really knows him.

I mean, you do of course, but you’re not there either. And I just know that when Steve is in this kind of. She couldn’t really go to a dark place. Look, I am excited that you are willing to tell me details of the top level Black patch case. But I stopped playing cops in robbers a long time ago. I’m running the business now, Steve, and you’re costing me paying customer.


Dave, keep you. Damn Mike this. Damn. What is it about this case that’s got you so jacked up partner.

The client is me. What is up me? I’ve been thinking about. What’s gonna keep me going now that I’ve lost? Kayla came to me in the middle of the night. The three of us are gonna kill Orpheus.

Adrian, you remember how it was when I first met Steve, all he thought about was how he was gonna get back at someone who crossed him. Honey, that was decades ago. I know. But, but, but now, this whole thing that’s happened with Cade and Marlena and me, I just like the whole thing is gonna flare up again. And you were always there to talk him down.

Right. But I’m not there. Adrian, I am just so worth, but what sort of trouble Steve is gonna get into now. So you want the three of us to commence me? Can we slow this down a minute, guys? You both know it would be a service to humanity to put Orpheus down like a rabid dog. Yeah. Andy Self Steve, but I’m a retired police commissioner.

I shouldn’t even be hearing this. What are you worried about? Your pension, Steve? You know damn well isn’t it? I took her oath. Yeah. And where did that oath get Kate? And what about the vows we made to our wives? Huh? We promised to love, honor, and protect them. Now, maybe you can live with the way they died, but I can’t.

We failed them Roman. If you know what, there’s a very good chance that Orpheus could end up on death row. You don’t have to go rogue. Let the system take care of it. The system. Are you kidding? You’re gonna leave Orpheus’s fate up to Melinda Trask, for God’s sake. We’re the ones he’s after. We’re the ones who need to end him.

Do you know what I find? Absolutely hilarious. In all of this, the concepts of honor and integrity, you holy hortons, you just have no problem looking down on us and passing judgment, but then you’ll turn the other direction when it works for you. Do you know what? My police record is nowhere near as bad as Zanders is.

Sorry darling. But you had absolutely no problem ripping off his kilt and blowing on his bagpipes every chance that you got, did you? I believed he wanted a change. He didn’t want to work for Ava Vitali. He didn’t want to kidnap Susan or Bonnie. Do you know why he did it for you for the money so that he could support you and the lifestyle that you are so very used to you sanctimonious judgment.

Okay. Goodness. That’s enough.

I’m glad she. It explains everything you would think. Kidnapping for hire is a perfectly acceptable way to make a living, even if one of the victims dies.

Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t send your twisted, destructive soul straight to the bad place. What about your twisted little soul Jordan? Here you are in the afterlife. You still can’t find it in your heart. To forgive an innocent mistake, innocent you call subjecting the good citizens of Salem to a sick homicidal predator who molested his stepdaughter, who killed a mother of two and cold blood, an innocent mistake.

I call that a tragic and indefensible mistake. Oh, what are you saying? Are you blaming me for Abigail? Well, you are to blame. If you hadn’t brought Clyde West into town, Abigail Dara would still be alive. Those children would still have a mother. Okay. Just hold on. All right? Because Clyde would never have stopped looking for his son.

He would’ve founded you and Ben. It didn’t matter whether I intervened or not. And as I told you before, when I went looking for Clyde, I had no idea of what he had done to you when I thought that you were hiding something. That’s what I. But when I did find out how he had abused you, I felt horrible. Oh, so horrible in fact that you did nothing.

Yes, you’re right. I did not, I did not act quickly enough when I found out I should have washed my hands of him completely. And I didn’t. I didn’t. And I’m sorry. I am sorry for that, dude. All right. You’re. Now that I have your soul in my hands. Opportunistic much.

Okay. I get it. I do. It’s um, it’s too little, too late, but it is a sincere apology, Jordan.

Okay, look, you’ve gone on and on. My transgressions. Right. But you turn a totally blind eye to the the pluses of my record.

Okay. Kate, please indulge me with the pluses of your record. I always tried to be the best mother that I could. I was always there for my children no matter what, doing whatever I had to do to them. And they knew that. They knew that I was devoted to them. And then later in life, a good man, Roman Brady, it found it in his heart to forgive me and love me, a person like me.

And to my amazement, I found great happiness leaving with him in our apartment over the pub.

So can, considering that, don’t you think possibly I have a soul that could be saved?

Look, I, I know you have legitimate grievances against me. I really, I really do. But I have to tell you, I have changed. Roman really brought out a better side in me. You know, I was, I was less selfish. I was more compassionate kind of

well, You do make a compelling argument, but I’m gonna need proof. Okay? What do I have to do? You can sign a document that confirms your genuine contrition. All right, I’ll, I’ll sign that. If you are lying, the document will burst into flames immediately and you’ll be doomed for all of its. Okay. All right.

That’s fine. I, I will sign it. I can sign it. Okay. Here we go. I’m just gonna need you to sign right here next to every single word I uttered to Judge Ridgeway was the God’s honest truth.

No flame. Okay. Okay. Well then I guess I do believe that you feel sorry for ruining my life, albeit too late. And you are on a path to being a better person. It’s never too late for that, I suppose.

Well, I have to thank you so much for coming around the way that you. So maybe now we can fast track this transfer to heaven. I know this is staircase, but is there an elevator? Not so fast. But you said that I made my case. I said it was compelling. The decision of whether you make it up to the good place.

Well, that’s beyond my pay grade. But you said you were my judge. I am. And I am recommending that you move forward to the.

This document certifies that you have completed arbitration with me. So does that mean that I never, ever have to see you again? Careful. But thankfully, yes. Take this with you. You may now advance to the next round.

This is so great. Thank you. You have made. Oh, are you in my eternity? Jordan? You are an angel. Hardly. I really hope that Kate’s judges is fair and unbiased. Oh, everybody hears fair and unbiased. Now you gotta stop getting your head over your lady friends. See Dr. Kayla Brady Johnson and that moon. Okay.

They gotta make their own spiritual journey. Yeah. Now see, you need to start thinking about how you wanna spend eternity. I have.

I would like to see the people that I’ve lost. I’d like to see my baby DJ and my twin sister, Samantha. Oh, it would be so good to see Tom and Alice Horton again. And Sean and Caroline. Great. Oh my goodness. Yes. All in time. Only in time. Now, first you need to shine your release paper. What is it? Well, oh my goodness, , this is to advance you to the next level of heaven.

Okay. And that, that’s where the G is. All you need to do is shine your name,

you say, so you say so. There you go.

Kayla, after everything you’ve been through, I, I hate to think of you stressing so much over Steve. How can I not? He’s my husband. The love of my life. Kayla, your life is here now in.

What’s that? You’re way out of this room and it’s the afterlife. All you have to do is sign on the dotted line. Well, what is it exactly? It’s just a formality really. It states that you relinquish your earthly life and pledge your iort soul to God. Can’t I have a lawyer? Look at it. We don’t get too many of those.

It’s okay. Seriously me.

So this is about payback. It’s about protecting our families. Listen, Roman, I respect you for living by your code, but the problem with that is it makes you predictable to Orpheus. He only understands one form of justice and I for an eye, and he’s never gonna stop making us pay for his wife’s death. Hell by now.

It’s just a game to him. Look, I know the justice system isn’t perfect, but I still believe in it, and you can’t ask me to take the lawn to my own hands. I’m not asking just you. I want the three of us to do that. John Toxin sent to him. I’ve been listening to both of you.

I agree with. Steve, let’s get that bastard.

If you want to go along with this. John, you really can’t believe the killer Nous is the answer here, Wil. There’s something you don’t know.

When Orpheus was first released from prison, Steve wanted to meet me here. We sat at that table right there, and he told me that he wanted to take Orpheus out before he hurt or killed anyone. And I talked him out of it, and I use the same argument. She’s just.

Now, if I hadn’t done that, we would probably be having breakfast with our beautiful wives right now. So I gotta side with my partner. We need to wind this earth of my low arm now. No. Okay.

Hello? You’re all sucking. Your destiny. He’s waiting for you. You’re gonna come with me, right? Oh, I’m afraid you have to take this next step on your own, but we’ll have plenty of time together, I promise you that. I sure hope so. Adrian, spend his time with you. It’s really warm for my heart. Oh, sing the hair.


you’re right. I worked , I told you. Okay.

Kayla Brady Johnson, you are so gullible.

What is next? Well, I’m just going to take this upstairs. I’m gonna file it and then I’m gonna come write that down here and I’m gonna introduce you to your Heavenly host and I am not talking about Ms. Hilda. Ms. Jan on that there today Show.

Marlina. Oh my gosh, Kayla. Oh, I’m so glad to see you. What are you doing here? Well, um, I’m, I come to the virus. Same. Is the same as you and Kate. No, no. I prayed and prayed. They would find an antidote to save you in time. It’s okay. I’m where I’m supposed to be.

Take this with you up those stairs. Well, I guess this is it then. Ah, let me just say once again from the bottom of my heart. Thanks for not holding me back,

Kate. Thank you.

Have you said everything you wanted to say or is there more? I honestly think that you and I don’t ever need to say another word to each other. Once Justin files those papers, you and Gwen will be free to spend the rest of your lives doing what you do best. Bringing mis.

God help this town.

Why? Wow. Kayla, you’re here too. Where are we? Ugh, I’m so relieved to see that you made it to the good place. I was worried about you. Ah, yes. I was so worried myself, but luckily, weirdly, judge Ridgeway took it easy on me, judge Ridgeway. Yes. The fate of my eternal soul was in the hands of none other than my ex-friend Jordan Ridgeway.

What I said to Sarah, and I was a bit harsh a bit, I just, I couldn’t. How going after you like that? Going after us? Of course you couldn’t, I mean, however harsh you were, it was only in reaction to Sarah lashing out at you. She provoked you go. Did you intimate? Well, this is quite new. What is you taking up for me like this, especially in regards to Sarah?

Well, you had my bag when the whole kidnapping thing blew up in my face, and I think about what that cost you. I don’t regret a single thing. Neither do I. I mean, for the first time in ages. You know what? Well, it feels good. Didn’t about you, but I’m sick of apologizing for who I am. Right? I mean, why should we have to go around town holding our little hats to people like my father and Sarah?

Yeah. I mean, it doesn’t work anyway. They just end up assuming. They assume the worst of us regardless of what we do.

I say we’ve proven, right? What does that mean? I say we take the good people of Salem for everything we can get.

Roman, I heard what you said before. We can’t do this without you. It’ll be like this conversation never happened. No, no, no. Why? If you’re gonna do this, it’s gotta be all or nothing. So what are you saying? I’m saying I’m man. Let’s make damn sure that Orpheus never hurts another living. So

you were locked in a room. I mean, that doesn’t sound very heavenly, and I thought purgatory was. Good. Good. Goody. The game is y’all here now. I need those papers you two signed

and I to sign papers too. Adrian brought them to me. Yo. Jordan Ridgeway made me sign papers as I couldn’t get out Purgatory. Oh, I show sure ladies. There’s benefit of a confusion. Why? What’s the matter? Well, I’m in Katy. That was not Jordan Ridgeway with you and Kayla, you were not visited by your lady sister-in-law.

Who was it? And I also hate to warm you, Dr. Ing. I am not your damn.

Well then who are you?

It’s you.

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