Y&R Update Thursday, December 15, 2022

Young & The Restless Update

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Update written by Barbara

Fresh off their heated conversation at Jabot, Phyllis follows Summer to Society where Summer is picking up a to-go order and relentlessly asks her whether she’s going be fired from Marchetti.

Phyllis continues to blame Diane over and over again for the chaos with Jeremy, causing Summer to call her mother out for taking no accountability in the situation.

Summer tells Phyllis that she already discussed the Marchetti issue with Kyle and they have decided to terminate Phyllis’s employment there, effective immediately.

Phyllis looks aghast and can hardly believe what she is hearing. Summer tells her that she hopes she at least learns something, takes her to-go bag and leaves.

All the while, Adam is at the bar and has been listening to the loud conversation between Phyllis and Summer. He sends a drink over to Phyllis.

Lauren and Michael come into Society arm-in-arm and Phyllis lays blame on them too. Michael quickly reminds Phyllis that he had told her if she went after Diane, it could backfire.

At the coffeehouse building, Chelsea comes down from her apartment. Sharon greets her and asks why she didn’t join Connor to watch him play soccer in the park.

Chelsea tells Sharon that it feels strange and uncomfortable venturing beyond her apartment and the coffeehouse. Sharon gently encourages Chelsea to take a step or two outisde her comfort zone.

Victoria walks in and Chelsea tells her that she would like a chance to make amends. At first, Victoria declines, saying that she is having a car take her to the airport for a business trip. She has a change of heart, however, and lets Chelsea know that she has a little time to spare before her trip and the two women go upstairs to Chelsea’s apartment.

Chelsea apologizes for trying to destroy Victoria’s marriage when she first came to town and for being too pushy about Johnny finding out about his bio mom.

Victoria expresses reservations about Chelsea’s intentions, but Chelsea says that her focus is entirely on getting better.

At Newman Enterprises, Nikki and Nick are talking business and she tells him that she wants him to lead meetings while Victoria is away.  She tells him that she wants him to put forth some leadership skills.

Nikki expresses her enjoyment of watching her children shine in the ways she knows they can, with the exception of Nick’s personal life, clearly meaning his relationship with Sally. Nick gets a little impatient with Nikki’s concern about it, but Nikki continues, emphasizing that Sally had faked a terminal illness while in LA. She also asks Nick if he really wants to bring another Ashland Locke into the family.

Nick counters that Sally is nothing like Ashland. He says that unlike Ashland, Sally has learned from her mistakes. He adds that he is not worried about any issues with Summer due to what Sally did to her because he’s sure that Summer wants her father to be happy.

At that moment, Sally comes into the office at Newman and speaks with Nick in a flirting manner after Nikki leaves. She hands him her tablet and asks him to look at the new numbers for her business plan.

With a gleam in his eyes, Nick tells her that he likes what like what sees and starts spouting off information in business language. At one point, he and Sally get close and he says he likes spending time with her, working with her, laughing. The spark between them is palpable and he requests that Sally find time in her busy schedule to fit him in so they can go to dinner sometime. She tells him that the idea of planning dates and taking things slow is new to her because it was the opposite with Adam.

She and Nick lean in to kiss, but she pulls back and says that she has to go pick up a takeout order at Society. As she leaves, she tells Nick that she will pencil him in.

Allie and Noah come into the coffehouse and she excuses herself to go to the patio to take a phone call. Sharon goes over to Noah and tells him that Audra was there earlier looking for him. Allie finishes her phone call and as she’s about to go back into the coffeehouse she overhears this.

When she’s alone with Noah, Allie presses him about what’s going on with him and Audra. Reluctantly, he tells her that Audra came looking for him at the club and in an attempt to lure him back, she kissed him.

He tells Allie that he pulled away from her, with no hesitation, but Allie persists. She asks Noah if he kissed Audra back, even a little bit. He becomes uneasy and says that it happened so fast he can’t be sure.  Allie asks him to tell her if she needs to be worried.

At Society, Sally bumps into Adam at the bar and lets him know that she’s not afraid of running into him. She tells him that she thinks their relationship has had a natural resolution and Adam says he’s glad she feels that way.

Sally tells Adam about her business plan for starting an interior design company with Chloe and how she would like to partner with Chancellor-Winters to design for their offices, hotels

Adam wishes Sally success in her undertaking and adds that he hopes Nick brings her the happiness she deserves. She lets him know for sure that she and Nick are officially seeing each other and taking things slow.

Afterward, Sally goes over to Phyllis, Lauren and Michael, bragging to Phyllis about how she and Chloe are launching an interior design business and they will probably be going head-to-head with Marchetti Home and will be their biggest competitor.

Adam looks over from his seat at the bar, intrigued, while and Lauren and Michael head for the bar. Michael comments about ordering a bottle of scotch with two straws. Phyllis is left standing alone, lamenting that “everyone’s lost their damn mind”.

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