Y&R Best Lines Monday, November 14, 2022

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Kyle: Okay, mom, what is it?

Diane: [Scoffs] I hate that ā€œwhat now?ā€ tone. Iā€™m worried that I lost some of the ground that I gained with you and the Abbotts when you learned what I did in Los Angeles, what I had to do in order to survive. I feel like Iā€™m back at square one.

Kyle: I already told you ā€”

Diane: I know you told me you understand why I did what I did, but I still feel like itā€™s changed the dynamic between us. I mean, look at the way youā€™re speaking to me right now, like youā€™re just ā€” like youā€™re just waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Kyle: Maybe you should look at this latest confession from my point of view. Itā€™s only natural that this news would make us feel guarded when it comes to you and your past. Yet, even after hearing about it, Iā€™ve again given you the benefit of the doubt.


Amanda: I believe you when you say that you and Abby, whatever happened, it was spontaneous and unexpected.

Devon: Well, I appreciate that ā€™cause itā€™s the truth.

Amanda: But at any time from that first kiss, anything that followed, you couldā€™ve stopped yourself, but you didnā€™t. And Iā€™ve been thinking about that a lot. Why didnā€™t either one of you pull back? What would possibly carry you through to the ultimate betrayal? And Iā€™ve come up with the only possible conclusion. Because you are a good man, Devon. You have a big heart and you are a thoughtful friend and youā€™ve been all of those things to me, and I really ā€” when I came home from Virginia, I thought that you would be those things for me now.

Devon: And Iā€™m sorry that I let you down.

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