Y&R Best Lines Wednesday, October 12, 2022

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Mariah: Excuse me. We are looking for the owner of the hottest new club in town. Do you know where he might be?

Tessa: Yeah, he had this super-swanky opening, but I heard that there were invited guests that didn’t come.

Mariah: Yeah, and I’m sure that those two losers have a very viable reason.

Noah: Okay, let’s hear the sob story.

Mariah: We are so, so sorry we missed the opening night, but we had to get some paperwork in for the adoption attorney.

Tessa: We got you a gift. Will you ever forgive us?

Noah: Depends on what you got me.

Mariah: That is a “reserved” sign, which I would like you to install on whatever the best seats are in the house. They’re for us, of course.

Tessa: Mm-hmm.

Mariah: We — we’re your gift.

Noah: Got it. Thank you.


Chelsea: Wait a second. Since when is sitting on a bench and enjoying some sunshine an ambush?

Billy: Well, what would you call it?

Chelsea: A lovely afternoon till you showed up.

Billy: Right, so you weren’t sitting here, waiting for my son to show up so you could talk to him about being his mother? Because that’s what he said happened.

Chelsea: I bumped into him by chance. I did not accost him.

Billy: That’s not how he took it.

Chelsea: I just wanted to make sure he was alright.

Billy: By pushing him to bond with Connor as his brother, Chelsea?

Chelsea: No, no, that was not the reason.

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