Y&R Best Lines Monday, October 3, 2022

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Noah: We are here to bear witness to Summer and Kyle’s love. Now, I haven’t always had the best understanding of what love should look like. But when I see these two and how hard they fought to be together, to stay together, suddenly it all makes sense to me, wanting the best for one another, growing together, and trusting in each other and that love. It doesn’t get greater than that.

Tessa: I can’t sing today for the happy couple, but I’ve still been writing. And when I woke up this morning and thought about today, i jotted down some lyrics. “We were children together. We grew up together. We went our separate ways. But nothing can keep us apart, not even an ocean, because our hearts belong to each other.


Connor: Johnny and I are cousins, so we’re already family. Are you saying you want to be family with Johnny now, want to be his mother all of a sudden? Why? Did I do something wrong?

Chelsea: No. Connor, no. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I am so proud of you. I’m so proud to be your mom. None of that’s changed. I-I thought you’d see this as a good thing.

Connor: Are you serious right now? What’s good about it?

Chelsea: Well, it’s a way to get closer to Johnny. You know, you can get to know him better as brothers.

Connor: I don’t get it. Why are you making it sound like this is about me? It’s about you.

Chelsea: Connor!

Connor: If you didn’t need to be with Johnny before, why do you need to be with him now?

Chelsea: I-I don’t need to. I just — I hoped and I thought that —

Connor: How come you never told me about Johnny until now?

Chelsea: Well, Billy and Victoria, your father and I — we wanted to wait until you boys were old enough to understand.

Connor: I don’t understand, and I don’t want to talk about this anymore.

Chelsea: Sweetheart —

Connor: Take me back to the ranch. I want to go home

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