Y&R Best Lines Wednesday, September 14, 2022

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Victoria: And you should be. That’s what I wanted to say. Congratulations.

Lily: Wow. Thank you.

Victoria: You’re welcome. Look, I’m really sorry that things got unnecessarily tense between us for a while. I was dealing with Ashland, and, honestly, I feel like the stress of that just — just kind of affected every part of my life. But I’ve put that behind me now, and I feel like I’m starting a new chapter and getting a fresh start. And I just wanted to let you know that I appreciate you as a peer. I mean, you and I — we’re part of a very exclusive club, female CEOs [Chuckles] Which thankfully is growing. And I just think that we need to recognize and value each other whenever and wherever we can.

Lily: Thank you for saying that. And I am very honored to be a part of the club. Maybe we should have, like, a secret handshake


Victor: You can’t understand, not this time, man. You know, fathers and sons often have difficult relationships. I was very, very proud to call Adam my son. But he’s also caused me a lot of heartache. But I must say that I have had nothing but good intentions where he is concerned. Of course, that applies to my other children, as well. Anyway…

[Inhales deeply] Not easy being a father sometimes, is it?

Jack: Well, we certainly try.

Victor: Yeah. And by the way, my apologies, okay? I’ve been remiss in conveying my condolences in regard to Keemo.

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