Y&R Best Lines Thursday, September 15, 2022

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Diane: I am so sorry. I didn’t plan to be here this late. I fell asleep reading to Harrison.

Jack: Oh, no.

Diane: Yeah, he’s — he’s still down for the night. But, um, I conked out in that little chair next to him.

Jack: I know from experience it’s not the most comfortable place to knock off.

Diane: No, no, it isn’t. Um, I guess Kyle and Summer went upstairs to bed and didn’t even realized I was up there. I’m a little — I’m a little embarrassed about it.


Victor: You’re so tense, baby. I’ve never seen you this tense before a flight.

Though near or far

Nikki: Well, you seem calmer than when I saw you earlier.

Victor: Mm-hmm. Well, I did many rounds on the heavy bag.

Nikki: Oh. Did you win?

Victor: Well, whatever the imaginary foes were, I knocked them all on their ass.

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