Best Lines provided by Eva
Ashley: She did it, didn’t she?
Jack: What? What are you saying?
Ashley: Phyllis pulled a Phyllis.
Jack: I don’t even know what that means.
Ashley: Jack, you know exactly what it means. What did she do? Listen, I’m done settling. Because this is my secret.
Noah: Oh, no, she can’t.
Phyllis: Why not?
Noah: Uh, we — we have that thing that we’re going to, and we don’t want to be late to that because…
Allie: He’s great. I’m so sorry, but I’m sure you understand.
Noah: Busy woman like Phyllis, better believe she does. Matter of fact, we have taken up way too much time as it is, so we should probably go on.
Allie: I’m sure we’ll catch up soon. I’ll talk to you later, Phyllis. Okay. Bye.
Diane: Wow. You can really clear a room.
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