Y&R Best Lines Friday, July 15, 2022

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Phyllis: Hey. Why are you still here? I thought Victoria scraped you off of the bottom of her shoe.

Ashland: Beat it, Phyllis.

Phyllis: Not beating it. I can be here.

Ashland: Yeah. Okay, fine. I admit I am not the guy who decides who comes and goes in this park. In fact, I don’t decide much of anything these days.

Phyllis: It must suck reaping what you sow.

Ashland: Boy, you really are enjoying gloating over my downfall, aren’t you?

Phyllis: I am.

Ashland: Oh.

Phyllis: I actually am. Yeah. What are you doing here? Honestly, I thought Victoria got rid of you. And I’m really impressed with her. Maybe I’ll give her a party at the Grand Phoenix for getting rid of you professionally and personally.

Ashland: That is a fantastic idea. You should get on that right now


Ashland: My gosh, just look at you. Is it possible you’ve grown like a foot since the last time I saw you?

Harrison: Maybe.

Ashland: Oh, then that means I’ve been away for way too long. I-I — I’m so sorry that we haven’t been able to spend more time together.

Harrison: I miss you, father.

Ashland: I miss you too, son. I’ve just been… I’ve been traveling. I’ve been very busy.

Harrison: With work?

Ashland: Yeah. Yeah. And I may have to leave again soon, so I’m really glad that I’m seeing you right now.

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