Y&R Best Lines Wednesday, June 29, 2022

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Phyllis: Hey Derek, can you do me a favor? Um, and get housekeeping on this right away. Half a bottle of wine and dirty glasses are outside my suite. I don’t want it there. Hard night for someone. I don’t know who left it there. I don’t know. I don’t know. But could you get rid of it? Thanks.

Amanda: Well, hello. So, you run out of town, you leave us in the lurch for the Chancellor-Winters launch party, and then, worst of all, you don’t call, you don’t text.

Phyllis: I know. I’m the worst. Hi.

Amanda: Welcome home.

Phyllis: Aww, thank you. Thank you


Summer: Mom?

Phyllis: I’m okay.

Summer: No, you’re not.

Phyllis: Yeah, I’m fine Summer. I’m fine. You know what? I want to ask you a question. The job you offered me at Marchetti — is that the same one that Diane’s doing?

Summer: Mom, no, not even close. I wanted you to be my head of marketing. What we offered Diane is a junior-level P.R. Gig. Look, it was Kyle’s idea, and i only agreed to it because I’m here to support Kyle, just like you are here to support me, right?

Phyllis: Yeah. Right. I will support you. I will support you because i love you. Yeah.

Summer: I love you, too.

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