Y&R Best Lines Thursday, July 7, 2022

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Victoria: You deserve an explanation.

Billy: I agree. Thank you.

Victoria: And, honestly, i think that you deserve the truth, as well. The truth is that I had no intention of reconciling with Ashland at all.

Billy: Well, I was hoping that was the case, but why didnā€™t you just tell me the plan? You know that you can trust me.

Victoria: Is it really a mystery why I wouldnā€™t want ā€œthe grinning soulā€ to do an entire podcast on clever women who flip the script on their devious and manipulative husbands?

Billy: Iā€™m glad that you are safe and sound and single. You are single, arenā€™t you?

Victoria: Thatā€™s right. I want nothing more to do with Ashland.


Ashland: Yeah. No, no, no. No need. Weā€™ve had many successes in the past. Peru is not one of them, but you canā€™t knock it out of the park every time, can you? Although I did think the task was relatively simple ā€” to keep Michael Baldwin down there, to get him thrown in jail, keep him there while I control the narrative here. But it was not meant to be. I still donā€™t quite understand what went wrong. Perhaps there was some unforeseen exigencies we hadnā€™t planned for. Or maybe heā€™s just smarter than we are. I donā€™t know.

Stannis: I ā€”

Ashland: As I said, no need to explain. But this job Iā€™m offering you right here and right nowā€¦ will give you a chance to redeem yourself.

Stannis: I assume the target is still Michael Baldwin?

Ashland: Oh, god, no. Letā€™s not bite off more than we can chew. I canā€™t expect you to keep up with a wily, third-rate lawyer. No, no, no. This time, the target will be much more manageable, hmm?

[ Bottle slams ] My wife.

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