Y&R Best Lines Wednesday, June 15, 2022

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Jill: Oh! Call me a romantic fool, but you know what I love? I love it when two corporations are able to come together and create an even bigger and more powerful one.

Jack: That’s what counts for romance these days, huh?

Jill: Well, just imagine it, Jack. If all business sales were done this way, I mean, with respect, mutual admiration, equality, total transparency —

Jack: I couldn’t think of anything more boring.

Jill: I know. We would not like that.

Jack: We liked the fight.

Jill: We liked to knock our foes to the ground.

Jack: We had fun, too, didn’t we?

Jill: Yep, we did. You know, it’s okay for Lily and Devon because they’re really much nicer people than we are.

Jack: You’ll get no argument from me on that.

Jill: Okay, now, I’m gonna ask you a personal question.

Jack: Well, thank you for warning me.

Jill: Oh, you’re welcome. So, I have heard that a miracle has occurred in my absence and Diane Jenkins has risen from the grave.

Jack: I guess you heard that from one of my siblings.

Jill: Honey, you can’t keep news like that a secret. Besides, I saw her here. And Nikki was obviously horrified that she was here, but here’s my question to you. Why weren’t you? I mean, you were really civil to each other, and I’m sure you and Kyle must be going through —

Jack: This is neither the time nor the place for that particular discussion.

Jill: Okay, okay, I agree. But please, before we table the topic, may I say something? I understand that this craziness with Diane has allowed to find a granddaughter that you never you had. Oh, my god, and while I know that it can’t make up for the loss of your son, darlin’ — and my heart is with you on that — what a gift to have found this girl.


Amanda: You know, discretion is very important as a lawyer, but right now I’d like to talk to you as a friend of a friend.

Jack: Okay.

Amanda: And this friend of mine, she may or may not have told me that she had a falling out with you recently.

Jack: And this friend of yours, does she happen to have red hair?

Amanda: And a soft spot for you. I hope you’re okay. I want you to know I am not taking sides. I’m not making excuses, but it sounds like she made a mistake. And I know that she is very, very sorry about what happened.

Jack: Yeah, so am I.

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