Days of Our Lives Transcript
Transcript provided by Suzanne
[Cell door opening]
Gwen: [Sighs] Well, they told me I had a visitor. Didn’t expect to see you so soon.
Leo: I have something to tell you.
Gwen: About what?
Leo: Your sister.
[Tense music]
Lucas: [Exhales deeply] Ow. Ah. Ow, my head.
[Dramatic music]
What the hell– what the hell did I do last night?
Kayla: How can abigail be gone?
Steve: Doesn’t seem real.
Kayla: She was just here– she was just here for a physical. She was–she was– she was in perfect health. Our sweet, beautiful niece was so full of energy and enthusiasm for life. And she wanted to have a baby. Now– [Groans]
Steve: I know. I know.
[Soft dramatic music]
Kayla: Oh, jenn. Oh, jenn, I’m so, so sorry. I am so sorry. I’m sorry.
Jack: [Sighs]
Kayla: I’m sorry. I’m sorry.
[Somber music]
Abigail: Well, look what the cat dragged in.
Chad: Abby?
Abigail: Honey, where you been? I was waiting for you. What’s wrong? You look like you just lost your best friend.
Chad: That’s because I did.
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “days of our lives.”
[Soft orchestration]
Lucas: You can’t blame this on losing adrienne or your son. This is all on you, you complete loser. You’re weak. You’re pathetic. You’re a complete embarrassment. Ow! Ow. Ow! What the hell happened to my hand? I can’t remember. I can’t remember anything after I polished that bottle off. Think. Come on. Think, you idiot. Think. I can’t remember anything after I fell off the wagon, but, obviously, I hurt my hand. Please, god, don’t let me have hurt anyone else.
Kayla: We can’t begin to tell you how sorry we are.
Steve: Listen, we’re here for you. Whatever you need, okay?
Kayla: Right. I mean, do you– do you want to go sit down, go to my office?
Steve: I could get you some tea, something to eat.
Jennifer: Could we see her? I’d like to see my daughter.
Kayla: Of course, honey.
Jennifer: God.
Kayla: I got you.
Jennifer: Okay.
[Soft dramatic music]
Chad: [Laughing softly]
Abigail: You really look like hell.
[Doorbell rings] You better get that.
[Doorbell rings] I don’t think they’re gonna go away. It’s all right, honey, I’ll wait for you.
Chad: [Sniffles] Abby? Abby, come back, please!
[Doorbell rings]
[Dramatic music]
Rafe: Chad. I hate to bother you at a time like this. I’m so sorry for your loss.
Chad: I don’t want your sympathy, rafe. I want you to tell me who did this to my wife.
Gwen: Abigail’s dead?
Leo: She was murdered. Someone stabbed her to death in her bedroom.
Gwen: Was it you?
Chad: Who did this to my wife, rafe? I need you to find who did this.
Rafe: And we will. Csu was here all night gathering evidence; that’s why you couldn’t get back in until this morning. Everything is at the lab right now. It’s being tested as we speak.
Chad: Did you find a murder weapon?
Rafe: Not yet.
Chad: Do you have any suspects?
Rafe: Chad, listen to me, we have every available officer out there right now looking, chasing down leads, searching. We don’t have anyone in custody yet.
Chad: Then what are you doing here?
Rafe: Chad, I came here because I wanted to see the crime scene. I had to ask some questions myself.
Chad: Ask them.
Rafe: Okay. I want you to go with me up to the bedroom. Listen, you can take your time. Whenever you’re ready.
Chad: If I go up there, is it gonna help you catch the person who did this to my wife and send them straight to hell?
Rafe: Yes.
Chad: Okay, then I’m ready.
[Tense music]
Abigail: Harold was looking at us kind of oddly.
Chad: He’s never seen two people kissing before.
Abigail: In this house, maybe not.
Chad: Mm.
[Laughs softly]
Rafe: Take your time.
Chad: Hey, baby, you missed the best “minions” movie yet. Abby? Abby!
[Tense music]
Jennifer: [Exhales sharply]
[Breathing shakily]
[Soft dramatic music]
[Gasps] No! No! No! No! No!
Jennifer: [Breathing shakily] Can we have a minute alone with her?
Kayla: Take all the time you need.
[Somber music]
Jennifer: [Sobbing]
Leo: Why would you think that I killed abigail?
Gwen: You were in her house last night.
Leo: But you sent me there.
Gwen: I sent you directions to the secret room, where you were obviously lying in wait.
Leo: Um, no, I was drinking mimosas and working out a plan for revenge, which did not include me going all norman bates.
Gwen: Listen, if anyone understands, it is me. I understand the resentment and the rage that you felt when you crept out of that room and into abigail’s bedroom and you got that revenge that you so bloody well deserved.
[Dramatic music]
Rafe: Csu took the bedding for analysis. What’s in this box?
Chad: Some of abigail’s jewelry and some cash.
Rafe: Uh-huh. It looks like the lock’s been tampered with. Was it always that way?
Chad: No.
Rafe: No?
[Mysterious music]
Yeah. Can you give me a list of things that were in there?
Chad: Yeah, and–and, um, I’ll send you some photos that we had taken for insurance purposes too.
Rafe: Okay, great. That would be helpful.
Chad: Do you think this is a robbery gone wrong?
Rafe: It’s hard to say. Some other pricey items were here, like abigail’s laptop, so maybe someone just wanted to make it look like a robbery.
Chad: There was so much blood.
Rafe: Yeah. Well, maybe not all of it was abigail’S. The lab will check to determine if some of it belonged to someone else. We both know that abigail was a fighter, so whoever did this, well, they probably have wounds of their own.
Lucas: Hey, roman. Is my mom here?
Roman: No, she went to see chad.
Lucas: Good. That means I got a little time before she kills me for standing her up last night.
Roman: You haven’t heard?
Lucas: Heard what?
Roman: Lucas, you better have a sit.
Lucas: Please, tell me this has nothing to do with the devil and one of my kids. I can’t take that right now.
Roman: Look, this isn’t easy to say, so I’m just gonna say it. Abigail was murdered last night.
[Tense music]
Jennifer: Abigail johanna, my sweet child, my firstborn. You look so peaceful, like you’re sleeping. You never slept when you were a baby. You insisted on keeping those big, beautiful eyes wide open so you wouldn’t miss a thing. That was you, curious and alert from the moment you came into this world. You were this tiny, tiny little soul, so very fragile, and yet so incredibly strong. And you used that strength to fight. Whatever challenges life threw at you, you faced them. You overcame them with courage and with grace, just like your grandma laura. You always reminded me of her in that way, that strength, that fighting spirit. My extraordinary daughter, nothing I have ever done or will do will make me as proud as I am to be your mother. Take care of her, mom. You take care of my baby. ‘Cause I don’t know what I’m gonna do without her. Oh, jack! Oh, god!
Leo: That is a really nice story, guinevere, but it’s fiction. I did not kill abigail dimera.
Gwen: Really?
Leo: Really.
Gwen: Sorry. I just had to ask since you were in her house last night. So tell me, did you see anything?
Leo: What do you mean?
Gwen: I mean, you said that abigail was attacked in her bedroom. You weren’t up there at all, were you?
[Dramatic music]
Leo: Of course not. Now, if you’re done grilling me, I have a question of my own I’d like to ask.
Gwen: By all means.
Leo: You called me yesterday all hot and bothered because abigail had broken your little arts and crafts project.
Gwen: It was a mug that I made for my father for his birthday.
Leo: You asked abigail to deliver it. Instead, she dropped it on the floor, on purpose, which made you real mad. Mad enough that you told me to, and I quote, “find the nearest sharp object and use it to stab abigail through the heart.”
Gwen: Okay, you said you had a question?
Leo: Oh, right. Those instructions you gave me about the sharp object, any chance you followed through with them yourself?
Gwen: I haven’t a clue what you mean.
Leo: Oh, well, then allow me to rephrase. Did you kill abigail? My asthma felt anything but normal.
Chad: So what’s your take? You think it’s a robbery?
Rafe: Well, like I said, it’s possible. Robbery or no robbery, we will find them. We will follow every lead. We will pore over every shred of evidence. We will not stop until we get justice for abigail. If there’s anything you need, you call me.
[Somber music]
Gwen: How could I possibly have killed abigail?
Leo: From all reports, with a very sharp knife.
Gwen: You do realize that I am here in prison, don’t you? I’m locked up 24 hours a day.
[Mysterious music]
Guard: Hey! Rizczech!
Gwen: Oh. Hi, roy.
Guard: You missed bed check. Where the hell have you been?
Gwen: I have a pass to use the library. You can ask the matron.
Guard: We searched the library.
Gwen: Well, I fell asleep in a corner. I just woke up. Come on, roy. Where else could I have been? This place is surrounded 18-foot walls. There’s razor wire and guards with guns.
Leo: Yes, yes, dear, I know. But of all the ways abigail could have died, it happened exactly the way you wanted it to. And you sure did want it to happen.
Gwen: Okay, I will admit, yes, I did have a motive. But I did not have the means. And as far as opportunity, I mean, look around, matty. It’s just not possible.
Abigail: Come here, my love. Let’s make a baby.
[Somber music]
Chad: We can’T.
Abigail: I thought that’s what you wanted.
Chad: It is. I want that so much. But you’re gone. I need you to tell me what to do. How am I gonna tell the children that we do have that they’re never gonna see their mother again?
Jennifer: Go to her, jack.
Jack: I–I– I don’t want to say goodbye.
Jennifer: You don’t have to. Just say whatever’s in your heart.
[Soft dramatic music]
Jack: Abigail, my dear, sweet, precious girl… I’m sorry. For so many things, I’m sorry. I know you’d tell me not to– not to be, but I can’t help it. I am. I’m sorry for never being the father you deserved, for being selfish, for always falling short. All of it. I– I will always regret that. More than anything, I will regret taking you for granted, for assuming we had all the time in the world. I–I was starting to get the hang of it, you know? Being a good dad. And we were getting closer. And, oh, did you make me proud as a journalist, a mother, a human being. You inspired me. You taught me. In your all-too-short life, you gave me so much. Most of all, you gave me– you gave me hope. You were my light, abigail. In my darkest days, the light of your love kept me going and helped me find my way. And now some– someone cruel and dark has taken your light away. I don’t know if I’ll ever find my way out of this darkness.
[Dramatic music]
Are you one of the millions of americans
Abigail: Honey, it’s okay. Come here. Please.
Chad: Maybe–maybe I could just hold you one last time.
[Soft dramatic music]
Leo: Oh, come on. Like people haven’t busted out of here?
Gwen: Yeah, sure, people with cash, connections, the last name dimera. I am naught for three.
Leo: I suppose that’s true. So if you didn’t do it, and I didn’t do it, it would appear that somebody else did our dirty work for us.
Gwen: Hm.
Lucas: [Crying]
Roman: Lucas, I am so sorry. I know how much you loved your niece.
Lucas: Abigail was an angel. What happened to her is unimaginable. It takes me back to losing will. You know, no parent should ever have to feel that pain.
Roman: No, no. Is there anything you need? Anything I can get you? What did you do there?
Lucas: It’s nothing. It’s nothing to worry about. I have a splitting headache right now. I’ll take an aspirin if you’ve got one.
Roman: Sure. Be right back.
Kate: I just had a talk with chad.
Lucas: So what? What’s the big deal?
Kate: So the big deal is that he thought I should know that he told abigail that you’re the one who kidnapped sami.
Lucas: What? Oh, what did I do?
[Doorbell rings]
Kate: Oh, god. I’m so sorry.
Chad: Are you?
[ Screaming ]
Kate: Of course, I’m sorry. I’m heartbroken.
Chad: Shh!
[Tense music]
Kate: Where is this coming from? What did I do wrong?
Chad: You tell me.
Kate: I–I’m lost. I’m lost.
Chad: Really? Remember our–our conversation yesterday where I did you the enormous courtesy of telling you that I had told abigail the truth about lucas, hm? And you completely lost it?
Kate: Chad, I was–I was shocked, I was surprised.
Chad: No! No! No! You lost it! And then you ripped into me for not keeping my mouth shut!
Kate: Because I was concerned about my son, that’s why!
Chad: No, you were scared out of youmind that abigail was gonna share what she knew! Even after I told you that you had nothing to worry about, that she wouldn’t tell anyone! You said that that wasn’t good enough! That you–look at me! That you needed assurances that she wouldn’t tell anyone that lucas was the one that kidnapped sami!
Kate: [Spluttering]
Chad: Oh. Oh, what? Am I–was I–oh, shh. Was that too loud? Did you want me to keep my voice down? Huh? No one is here! Ej is at marlena’s with the kids! Tony and anna are gone! Harold is off! And my wife is dead! Is that good enough for your assurance?
Kate: Oh, my god, you think that I killed abigail to keep her quiet? Is that what you think?
Chad: Look at me. Did you?
Leo: I am so sorry to be the bearer of bad news. Although, you don’t seem that broken up about it.
Gwen: I do feel bad for jack.
Leo: Uh-huh.
Gwen: But you– well, you must be ecstatic with the unexpected assist.
Leo: Perhaps I wasn’t clear earlier. I wanted revenge against abigail badly. But I think what happened to her is horrible. It makes me sick, actually.
Gwen: Excuse me, but this might be just a tad revisionist, given as you were right in this very room just the other day joking about how you wanted to slit abigail’s throat.
Leo: Exactly. I was joking. I have to go.
Gwen: Thank you for filling me in.
Leo: I’m sorry for your loss.
[Mysterious music
Roman: Jennifer, I am so sorry.
Jennifer: Lucas, I’m so glad to see you.
Selling your car
doesn’t have to be hard.
Kate: I can’t begin to imagine the pain you’re going through right now, but I know that you can’t possibly believe that I could have had anything to do with abigail’s death.
Chad: I don’t think–I don’t think you planned it.
Kate: Okay, I– what does that mean?
Chad: I–I think that after our little talk, I think that you–you couldn’t shake your worry about lucas. So you came over here to have a–a little chat with my wife to impress upon her the importance of staying quiet. And my abby, she was taking offense to that, so I think that things maybe–maybe got out of hand a little bit.
Kate: Okay. I understand. But it doesn’t matter how worried I was, I would never ever–
Chad: Would never what? Never what, kate? Go to extremes to protect your kids?
Kate: I know you’re upset. I know that you’re exhausted. And I know that you’re not thinking straight, okay? I know that. But look at me. Look at me. Chad, look at me! I would never kill abigail to keep her quiet, and neither would lucas, okay?
Chad: Lucas? Why would you mention lucas?
Kate: Because that’s what this whole conversation is about. Because you told abigail that lucas was the one that kidnapped sami.
Chad: Yeah, but lucas didn’t know that. Or did he?
Steve: Hey, baby.
Kayla: Oh, hi.
Steve: Are you leaving?
Kayla: Yeah, I–I have to go back to the hospital. But lucas is in there with jennifer. Where’s jack?
Steve: He had something to take care of.
Kayla: What?
Steve: He didn’t say.
[Dramatic music]
Gwen: You didn’t have to bloody break it!
Abigail: Honey, you’re lucky that’s all I broke.
Gwen: It’s okay. I’ll just make another one.
Abigail: Great! Make a whole damn set. Lord knows you’re gonna have plenty of time for it.
Gwen: You selfish bitch! I am going to make you pay for this!
[Cell door opening]
[Suspenseful music]
Leo: Please, please still be here. [Sighs] Yes. I’d have preferred an alamainian emerald, but you will do just fine.
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