Y&R Best Lines Friday, May 13, 2022

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Nikki: What are you doing here? Lying in wait, hoping that Victoria will come by again?

Ashland: I gather she told you we spoke earlier about my donation to New Hope. She didn’t object, which I found gratifying.

Nikki: I’m sure what you find even more gratifying is how much it still upsets her to see you. Does that feed your voracious ego?

Ashland: Hurting Victoria is the last thing I want. Every move I am making right now is about easing her pain.

Nikki: We learned a long time ago to pay attention to what you do, not what you say, since all you do is lie from morning till night.

Ashland: Nikki —

Nikki: You continue to claim that you love my daughter. If that’s true, prove it by leaving her alone.


Nikki: I was just sharing with Ashland what I think about him and how selfish he is for continuing to inflict his presence on you.

Ashland: I’m sorry. I should’ve recognized that a mother as protective as you are would not want to hear an apology from me, no matter how heartfelt.

Nikki: Oh, please.

Victoria: Mom, it’s not worth your time to get into it with him. Doesn’t matter where he goes or what he does, it’s his business. I honestly don’t care.

Nikki: I don’t share my daughter’s indifference. Victor and I didn’t go after you before because it was more important to get her out of a marriage based on lies. But we’ve done that now. And if you aren’t smart enough to stay away from her, we will come up with our own way of solving this little problem. Do you understand me?

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