Y&R Best Lines Wednesday, May 4, 2022

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Best Lines provided by Eva


Ashland: You really would never make a good poker player, would you? I mean, you just lay all your cards on the table for everybody to see.

Billy: Meaning?

Ashland: It’s abundantly clear that you’re still in love with Victoria. And it’s surprising to me that someone as smart as Lily hasn’t figured that out yet, but then again, maybe she has. Maybe she resents the fact that you keep barging in to protect your ex.

Billy: Lily and I are just fine. Thank you for your concern. And as far as Victoria, I am not worried about her ability to deal with you. She’s already proven that she can handle herself. My warning was directly to you for your own sake because you are playing with fire.

Ashland: You will never understand my relationship with Victoria. She’s not nearly as angry at me as you think she is.

Billy: Yeah, what about your ex-father-in-law? You know the one that stood there, watched you gasp for air while you were having a heart attack. And that was before he knew that you were lying about having cancer, screwing over his daughter. I’m pretty sure that you are on the top of his hit list right now, Ashland. And believe, it’s not a fun place to be.


Sally: Have you considered calling Victoria’s bluff? Because I find it hard to believe that she would give up on her dream job just because she has to share it with her smart, capable brother.

Adam: Have you met my sister?

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