Y&R Best Lines Tuesday, February 8, 2022

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Billy: Yeah, I apologize for missing our call this morning, but the dog ate my alarm clock, if you know what I mean. Right. Yeah. It happens to the best of us. Oh, they’re doing some work at the office, expanding them or doing whatever, so we’ve had to relocate and now we’re working from home for a little bit. On top of that, I didn’t sleep very well last night, so… okay, I appreciate you understanding. I’ll get Rita to reach out to you. Okay. Thanks again. Bye. Come on.


Amanda: [ Chuckles ] Speaking of tenacious, have you spoken with Phyllis?

Jack: Not yet. Milan is one of those cities that grabs hold of you and never lets you go. I’m sure Summer’s keeping her very busy. Last time I was there, it was nonstop.

Amanda: I have to say, you have quite the poker face.

Jack: I’ve negotiated my share of contracts.

Amanda: [ Chuckles ] Pleading the fifth, I see.

Jack: Why do I feel like I’m on the witness stand?

Amanda: I just really believe that you and Phyllis deserve happiness and I thought it would be together.

Jack: So did I, for a time. But you know what? Life is unpredictable.

Amanda: Yeah.

Jack: And so is Phyllis.

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