Y&R Best Lines Monday, January 31, 2022

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Adam: What do you mean Newman/Locke is buying Newman media?

Victoria: Well, I really don’t think I can say it any more clearly than you just did. Which part of it did you not understand?

Adam: [ Scoffs ] I knew that there was an offer, but this seems abrupt.

Victoria: Well, dad summoned me to the ranch. He accepted our offer. We shook on it. The deal is done. You know, he didn’t even really drive that hard of a bargain. I wonder why he didn’t tell you. Oh, well. Look on the bright side. At least now you don’t have to worry about me suing you for the name Newman Media because I own it. I’m the Newman in charge.


Faith: Rey, tell my mom how important it is that I visit colleges before I apply.

Rey: Well, I will be honest, I went to the Police Academy and Lola went to culinary school, so not really an expert.

Faith: Mom, practically everyone in my class is visiting campuses with their parents.

Sharon: Then, yes, we can go. It’ll be fun.

Faith: Thanks so much, mom.

Sharon: But I also still want you to consider GCU. You know, I had really wonderful professors there when I was getting my therapy credentials.

Rey: In other words, she wants to keep you close to home.

Faith: [ Chuckles ] Isn’t college supposed to be the time that I finally spread my wings, figure out who I am and what I want to do with my life?

Sharon: Yes. I just think that you can do all those things while still staying in the same zip code.

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