Y&R Best Lines Tuesday, January 4, 2022

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Chloe: Wow. Looks like someone broke in and had a party.

Adam: Very funny. I was just working late.

Chloe: Really?

Adam: Yep. If the success of the platform means I have to put in some overtime, I’ll do it, ’cause it’s important to strike while the iron’s hot. Now’s the time to line up more ad sales and sponsors.

Chloe: Good answer. Though it’s a little hard to believe your nose was to the grindstone, given the caviar, the bottle of the vodka, and two glasses.

Adam: Chloe, I don’t need to explain myself to you, okay


Victoria: You had a spectacular New Year’s Eve. Wow. Well [Clears throat] I would’ve thought that spending the holiday without Nick, you know, it would’ve been hard, given that you’ve just broken up and, I mean, it was my brother’s birthday. Guess you move on pretty quickly, don’t you.

Phyllis: I’m resilient.

Victoria: Hmm. Well, you didn’t spend the evening with Jack because I know he’s out of town. I wonder who you did spend it with. Maybe Amanda. Mm, although Devon probably wouldn’t have wanted you tagging along. Oh, Lauren and Michael. They let you be their third wheel, didn’t they?

Phyllis: When I was talking about my spectacular evening, i was referring to the hotel. We actually killed. We did very, very well. You know, I wasn’t here because I was having, you know, a fabulous dinner, but the feedback was great and it made me realize that all of my hard work has paid off. You know, our rooms are booked, the ballroom was packed. I had to hire more masseuses, and a number of women enjoy their time at the escape club.

Victoria: Oh, yes, well, I can see how some women might want to usher out a bad year and start off the new one with an escape fantasy. But I’m not one of those women because 2021 turned out pretty well for me.

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