Y&R Best Lines Monday, January 3, 2022

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Devon: Now, how do you just keep getting more beautiful?

Amanda: [ Laughs ]

Devon: How’s that work?

Amanda: Well, all of the credit needs to go to my hair stylist, but she’s also the reason why I’m a little late.

Devon: Oh, you are definitely worth the wait.

Amanda: Oh, New Year’s Eve is really bringing out the sweet talker in you, huh?

Devon: Oh, you’re bringing it out of me. All you. And that’s all I want tonight to be about — just you. No legal work, no family drama, just us dancing to jazz music in the ballroom and me showing you how much I love you.


Sharon: Well, you know what would make the New Year even better? As if you and I just spent more time together.

Rey: Mm.

Sharon: The two of us.

Rey: Mm, I think we can make that happen.

Sharon: And some travel would be good, too.

Rey: Yeah. I’d like to get down to Miami again.

Sharon: Yeah, we should do that before the spring because I’d love being in the hot weather knowing everyone back here is in the freezing cold.

Rey: Mm, no argument here.

Sharon: We should take a trip in the fall, too. Maybe Europe.

:Rey Oh. Okay. I like that idea. Tell me what else is on your list.

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