Y&R Best Lines Friday, December 17, 2021

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Sharon: I know it can be really hard to be away from the people you love this time of year. But, hey, how would you feel about inviting Nicholas and Christian over for Christmas dinner?

Rey: Let’s do it. I’ll add another leaf to the table.

Sharon: You are so generous.

Rey: Mnh.

Sharon: You know, that’s one of the many things I love about you.

Rey: As long as the invitation doesn’t extend to Nick’s brother, hmm? There are limitations to my generosity.

Sharon: I’m sure Adam has his own plans with Connor.


Rey: How’s your mother doing these days?

Chelsea: Mom’s doing well. Yeah. She’s gotten most of her mobility back, and she still speaks very highly of you, Rey.

Rey: [ Chuckles ]

Chelsea: I’m sorry if she hit on you. That’s Anita.

[ Both laugh ]

Sharon: Really? You neglected to tell me that part of your security detail.

Rey: Well, what can I say? Mature chicks dig me.

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