Y&R Best Lines Wednesday, December 8, 2021

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Adam: Hey. Fueling up for the workday?

Sally: Yeah, just a little caffeine and some brain food to get my wheels turning.

Adam: Mm. Do you mind if I join you?

Sally: Not at all. I’d love the company.

Adam: So I was — was thinking about what you said yesterday about your run-in with Billy.

Sally: Oh? ‘Cause I distinctly remember you telling me to stay out of your business with him.

Adam: Um…I had a change of heart. Sounds like he was in quite a state. Maybe you could find out more about what’s going on with him.

Sally: Are you asking me to spy for you?


throw pillows?

Abby: I did, yep, yep. I wasn’t a fan of the old ones, and apparently Dominic wasn’t either, because he spit up all over them.

[ Chuckles ] Hey, he’s got good taste. We might have an interior designer on our hands.

Chance: I’m sorry I missed that.

Abby: There will be plenty more spit-up to come.

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