Y&R Best Lines Thursday, November 11, 2021

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Sally: Ashley Abbott. Wow, you are the last person i expected to see.

Ashley: I don’t think you expected to get caught.

Sally: I wasn’t up to anything. I work here now.

Ashley: Yeah. I heard.

Sally: Well, I was just waiting for Adam to get done with his meeting with Victor so he could sign these purchase reports for our upcoming photo shoots.

Ashley: I have some things to discuss with Victor, and it might take a while, so I suggest you find something else to do. Elsewhere, perhaps.

Sally: Yes. Thank you for the suggestion.


Billy: No, he didn’t. I guess I’m just getting a little crazy thinking that Adam was capable of doing something to that extreme.

Rey: Oh, you don’t think Adam Newman is capable of abducting someone?

Billy: Well, maybe in the old days. But he’s a changed man now. Haven’t you heard? Yeah, he’s got a new job. He’s a respectful parent. He’s doing a great job impersonating a decent human being, and I don’t think that he’s gonna jeopardize all of that for a nobody.

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