Y&R Best Lines Thursday, October 21, 2021

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Devon: Look at you, boss lady. I like the way you handled that very much.

Abby: Oh, yeah, for now. But if she’s looking for other jobs, then putting her trout dish on the menu isn’t gonna keep her for long.

Devon: I know you’ve gone through a lot of chefs since Lola left.

Abby: Yes, big shoes to fill. Lola was like a superhero. I miss her so much, not just as a chef, but she was a good friend. I thought we were gonna be in this together.

[ Sighs ]

Devon: You okay?

Abby: Yeah, it’s just, you know, situations like this make you realize that there are no guarantees in life…about anything.


Adam: Chloe, you, um, you shouldn’t let your imagination get the best of you.

Sally: But if you must know —

Chloe: I must.

Adam: Mm-hmm.

Sally: I’m just kidding. No, our plane landed a couple hours ago, and we went our separate ways. The fact that we ran into each other on the way here was just pure coincidence.

Adam: Uh-huh. Now, do you buy that story?

Chloe: Would you?

Adam: Look. Nothing happened in Tuscany that you need to concern yourself with. I mean, other than the fact that Sally had a major success with Victoria’s dress. That’s all we were talking about when you were eavesdropping.

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