Y&R Best Lines Wednesday, October 12, 2021

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Victor: We are having a discussion, the kind a father has with his future son-in-law when he’s about to marry his daughter.

Victoria: Well, it’s a little late to be asking him what his intentions are, don’t you think?

Ashland: You’re right. Victor and I are determined to make sure there are no surprises, that this wedding goes off without a hitch, and that we can savor the celebration.

Victoria: Which means there’s something that needs to be dealt with that you’re not telling me.

Victor: Sweetheart, all you have to know is that I have any potential threat to you, to the wedding, or to Ashland under control. I give you my word, alright? So, you two get ready. I’ll see you at the party. Goodbye, sweetheart.

Victoria: You look pale. And my father doesn’t fool me. What is this really about?


Victoria: Well, should I ask Nate to come check on you?

Ashland: No, no, no, no. There’s certainly no need. Ironically enough, Billy was the one who came to my rescue.

Victoria: Billy’s here? I haven’t seen him yet.

Ashland: Yeah, he’s probably laying low.

Victoria: Well [Sighs] Given that he’s been flooding my phone with messages, I assumed that he’d be banging on my door the moment that he arrived. He seems eager to confront me with his news that he thinks i need to know.

Ashland: Well, there’s nothing Billy can tell you that you don’t already know.

Victoria: Well, mom told him not to come, but I’m actually glad that he did because i cannot wait to see how crushed he will be when he sees that he flew all this way for nothing.

Ashland: That’ll be very satisfying for you.

Victoria: I wonder why i haven’t seen him yet. Do you think he’s avoiding me?

Ashland: He’s probably mapping out his grand entrance or something like that. I say we don’t give the guy another thought.

Victoria: [ Sighs ] That sounds good to me.

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