Y&R Best Lines Monday, October 11, 2021

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Gaines: Wow. This place is something else. Maybe I’ll use some of my payoff cash to buy myself a little palazzo like this one.

Billy: We’re not here for a shopping spree, okay? So just slow down. We got a job to do.

Gaines: And I, for one, am ready to do my part. I have been waiting a long time for this — the well-deserved and ultimate downfall of Ashland Locke. So, how do you see it playing out?

Billy: Very carefully.

Gaines: You know, I was hoping for something dramatic, like humiliating him while he’s standing on the altar, waiting for his precious bride.


Jack: It is the beauty of family.

Phyllis: She can’t keep on holding this against him. He was just trying to help her.

Jack: I’m sure he feels justified in his actions. Look, at least now he realizes that it’s time to let go and accept the inevitability of this wedding, unlike some people we know.

Phyllis: Who? Billy?

Jack: Do not ask me to enumerate the number of times i have told Billy to let Victoria live her life.

Phyllis: Okay, I won’t ask you. Ah, I do respect how Nick will go above and beyond for someone he loves. I do respect that. But sometimes talking nice is not the right way to go, and i am afraid that’s what he’s trying to do right now.

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