Y&R Best Lines Tuesday, September 28, 2021

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Jack: Hey, I’ve just been thinking of you. I read a very complimentary article about you and Newman Media.

Adam: Well, I have to admit, it is nice to get a little good press. It’s a welcome change of pace.

Jack: I’m sure it is. Well, the article said the expansion’s going very well, and — how did they put it? — It is a business
renaissance for Adam Newman.

Adam: Just a fancy way of saying I’ve gotten a do-over.

Jack: Well, fancy or not, it sounds like you’re turning things around, and I couldn’t be happier for you


Phyllis: Well, okay. Room 600. Um, excuse me. I’m sorry, when are you gonna get this? You are not welcome at the
Grand Phoenix ever.

Sally: Well, when are you gonna get that I am not going anywhere. I’m a part of this town, so get used to it.

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