Y&R Best Lines Thursday, September 9, 2021

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Phyllis: Where’s your she-devil tonight?

Adam: Why? So you can douse her with a champagne bucket again?

Phyllis: She brought me down to her level, which is even low for you.

Adam: Mm. Well, we, um, mud-dwellers have to stick together, you know?

Phyllis: [ Sighs ] Look at you. I knew this new, improved version of Adam Newman wouldn’t last long. Do you know that Sally would be out of town if you didn’t allow Chloe to hire her?


Adam: Or unless you want to tell me what your real issue is with Sally. Then I’m all ears.

Phyllis: You already know my issue with Sally.

Adam: I think I was right the first time that we discussed her — that you see a little bit of yourself in her.

Phyllis: I’m not even gonna dignify that with a response.

Adam: You have a tell, Phyllis. Every time that you swan out of a room without getting the last word, I know that I hit a nerve. Mm.

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