Y&R Best Lines Thursday, September 2, 2021

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Jack: Congratulations on this new venture. I wish you lots of success with it.

Adam: Mm, thank you, Jack.

Jack: Evening, Sally.

Sally: Jack.

Phyllis: You know, I don’t know if success is in the cards for this coupling. I’m pretty sure — now I was just telling Jack that the two of you are probably gonna destroy each other, so have a good time while it lasts.

Adam: We will. Thanks*


Billy: And the award for the most obnoxious entrance goes to Adam and Sally.

Jack: You don’t have to worry about them. There won’t be any trouble as long as everyone is on their best behavior.

Billy: Are you talking about me?

Phyllis: You mean me?

Jack: Yes and yes.

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