Y&R Short Recap Monday, August 30 2021

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Christine

Abby, Devon and Mariah were relived that Nate said Bowie seemed healthy. Abby seemed caught off guard when Mariah referred to the baby as Bowie. Mariah learned that Ben kidnapped her. Mariah reunited with Tessa and Sharon. Rey and the police weren’t able to find Ben. Devon told Nate he felt an instant connection to the baby, and it made him think of his time with Hilary. Victor gave Abby a gift for the baby. Abby wished she could tell Chance that he was a father. Nate and Elena talked about the baby’s delivery and the bond Devon felt with the child. Mariah looked upset when she woke up and overheard Abby refer to herself as the baby’s mommy. Chloe introduced Chelsea and Sally through video. Sally’s attempt to build a rapport with Chelsea didn’t go well. Chelsea said she wasn’t sure she wanted the job. Chelsea called Adam and told him that Sally was a master manipulator. Adam said he was keeping an eye on things. Nick told Phyllis that he knew she was with Jack earlier, because Sally told him. Nick asked if Phyllis would be with Jack if she weren’t with Nick. She said Jack was just a friend and asked if Nick was threatened. Nick was not threatened, and he felt confident in his relationship with Phyllis. Phyllis warned Sally to stay away from Nick. Sally boasted that she had a good job, and she and Adam understood each other. Nick and Adam learned they had a new nephew. They both noted that they didn’t know much about Ashland. Chloe was unhappy that Sally told Adam she’d wanted to get revenge on Phyllis. Chloe was determined not to let Chelsea back out of taking the job. Adam was intrigued when Sally said she planned to make a name for herself, but she wouldn’t tell him how she planned to achieve that. He asked her to accompany him to the launch party tomorrow, and she was noncommittal.

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