Y&R Best Lines Thursday, August 19, 2021

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Ashland: I’m not Billy Abbott. And I have learned over time how problematic it is to compare the present to the past. Victoria doesn’t need to justify her actions or feelings to anyone. And I will say to you what I have said to her — I love her with everything that I have and I think she feels the same way.

Nick: I believe you. Victoria said the same thing.

Ashland: Well, then I politely suggest to you and everyone else that wants to worry about Victoria that you stop second-guessing her and passing judgment on her life and on her heart. The past is in the past. Victoria and I are living in the moment and looking towards the future.

Billy: Well, then the only thing I want to say to you is that I’m with you. I have tried my best to convince myself that Victoria marrying Ashland is the right thing to do. I’ve even tried to be very supportive, but I can’t do that anymore because the truth is, I think it’s a mistake. Her and Ashland went from “Hi, how are you” to “I do” like that.

Nick: Interesting observation coming from Mr. Spontaneity himself.

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