Y&R Best Lines Monday, August 16, 2021

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Victoria: What’s up?

Billy: Just grabbing a coffee on my way to work. Picked up the kids at camp and dropped them off at home.

Victoria: Did they have fun today?

Billy: I would say they had fun. Johnny learned how to throw a curve ball, and Katie created a masterpiece for the fridge.

Billy: Thought you could use a treat this afternoon.

Lily: Ah. You trying to butter me up or something?

Billy: Actually, I did run into Victoria at Crimson Lights. We had an interesting chat.

Lily: Oh, okay. That could be code for a lot of things.

Billy: Yeah. Well, you know, we were standing there, and — I’m sorry. Do you want me to skip the gory details?

Lily: No! No. I want to hear everything. I love hearing you ruminate about your ex.

Billy: Okay, I’m gonna shut up now.

Lily: Oh, stop. I’m kidding.

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