Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps
Recap written by Eva
Jack and Sally share embarrassing things about each other and, later, Jack tells Summer that Sally reminds him of himself when he was younger, so he intends to be a mentor for Sally. Kyle doesn’t want to go to Los Angeles with Summer to dig up dirt on Sally but changes his mind when he has a conversation with Sally and he realizes that she is a manipulative person. Devon has a romantic dream about Amanda. Amanda tells Devon that her biological mother, Naya, texted her to tell her she wasn’t ready to talk to her yet. Amanda calls her biological mother one more time to say that she just wants to talk to her. Amanda is surprised when her half-sister Amari arrives demanding she not to leave her mother alone. Adam blames Billy and the Chancellor Communications story for causing Chelsea’s stroke. Billy tells Adam that he is the one that cut off the electricity in the elevator which led to Chelsea’s fall. Adam pleads with Lily not to do a story about Chelsea’s illness because Connor doesn’t know about his mother’s condition. Billy and Lily have an argument about whether or not to do the story. Billy talks to Jack and realizes that his hatred of Adam could make him lose Lily. Billy apologizes to Lily and decides that Chancellor Communications won’t do any stories about Adam. The stroke specialist arrives to help Chelsea recover from her stroke.
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