Opinion Article
Brady needs to get his priorities straight. His concern should be with his family, but he only worries about Ava. We understand that he has been unlucky in love, but he should be focused on what’s going on with his family. His son is dealing with giving his baby up for adoption, yet he hasn’t been involved in the story. John is missing yet he didn’t want to do anything to help find him. The only thing on his mind is Ava and making sure she doesn’t break up with him. We do give him a little credit for mentioning Rachel, but he doesn’t care about anyone else.
Why are the writers shoving Chad and Cat down our throats? Cat may have had a “justifiable” reason for scamming Chad, but it doesn’t change what she did. Her actions made him lose Abby all over again so you would think he wouldn’t want anything to do with her. We get that the writers don’t want Chad to be alone, but they didn’t have to pair him up with Cat. The writers must think having her be a “good” person to people changes her actions. Unfortunately, all of us aren’t fooled by her nice girl act.
Jada is the hypocrite of the week. She demands truth and honesty from people, yet she didn’t tell Rafe the truth about sleeping with Shawn. The only thing she told him was she kissed Arnold. She had the opportunity to tell him that she slept with Shawn, but she kept it from him. We all know the secret will come out, but she will expect him to forgive what she did. If the shoe were on the other foot and Rafe slept with another woman, Jada would have broken up with him.
Was there a reason why the writers suddenly put EJ raping Sami on the front burner? They went out of their way to romanticize EJ and Sami’s relationship as if the rape never happened. Suddenly the rape came back into the story. Roman set up Johnny finding out that EJ was a rapist. Kate ended up telling Johnny the truth. This is a secret that has been kept for years and now it’s suddenly come to light. Roman was suddenly so appalled by what EJ did to Sami, yet he hasn’t said anything about it. Sami went on to marry him as well as have another child with him so she couldn’t have been that phased by the rape.
Speaking of Roman, he resents EJ for bringing Arnold in Sami’s life yet he’s willing to let Ava stay in the pub. Did he forget that Ava killed his father? You would think that he wouldn’t want anything to do with her after what she did to his father. In the grand scheme of things what Ava being responsible for Shawn’s death should measure up to what EJ did with Arnold.
What is going on with Belle? She’s obsessed with EJ. We understand that she is suddenly attracted to dangerous men, but sleeping with EJ again was ridiculous especially when she knows what he did to Rafe and Jada. She was the same person who was determined to make EJ pay for what he did, but she ended up in bed with him anyway. Paulina warned her that she could lose her job if she slept with him again, yet she did it anyway. It will serve her right if EJ uses her to get her fired. Let’s see how obsessed she will be with him then.
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