Days Nitpicks & Flubs For The Week Of March 10, 2025

Nitpicks & Flubs


by Michele & Cheryl

Brady and Doug from Days


-The music playing in Brady, Tate, and Theresa’s scene could be heard while Holly and Tate were shown.

-Holly’s flashback could be heard before it was shown.

-EJ could be heard talking on the phone while Rafe and Jada were shown.

-Rafe could be heard talking to Jada while Brady and Theresa were shown.

-Doug could be heard talking to Melinda while Tate and Theresa were shown.

-Rachel sliced Ava’s hand with a knife but there was no blood on it.


-Paulina could be heard talking to Belle while Brady was shown.

-Belle could be heard talking to Gabi while JJ was shown.

-EJ could be heard talking to Jada and Rafe while Gabi was shown.

-Ava could be heard talking to Brady while EJ and Rachel were shown.

-Jada’s flashback could be heard before it was shown.


-Sarah’s flashback could be heard before it was shown.

-Stephanie’s flashback could be heard before it was shown.

-Why would Cat answer the door with a towel on? She could have asked Felicity to answer the door instead of answering it with a towel on.

-Philip could be heard talking to Alex while Stephanie and Joy were shown.

-Philip’s flashback could be heard before it was shown.


-Why would Theresa go to a bar when she’s an addict?

-Marlena could be heard talking on the phone while Theresa was shown.

-EJ could be heard talking to Stefano’s painting while Chanel was shown.

-Tate could be heard talking Theresa while Steve and Roman were shown.


-Doug answered the door without a shirt on.

-Johnny could be heard talking to Roman while Belle and EJ were shown.

-Doug could be heard talking to Holly while Tate and Sophia were shown.

-When did Maggie and Julie go to Bay City? Maggie was just with Xander and Philip in Wednesday’s episode and she didn’t mention going to Bay City.


Doug from Days

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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