Nitpicks & Flubs
Sarah told Fiona that she remembered what happened while she was alone.
Why would Julie tell Steve that Chad went to Paris?
Holly didn’t know Abby, so she had no reason to eavesdrop on her phone call.
Brady suddenly remembered that Fiona was the one who drove the car. He was too drunk to function, but he suddenly remembered everything.
Xander was the only one who saw Fiona taking Sarah out of her room.
Xander could be heard talking while Brady was shown.
Brady gave everyone credit for helping him except for Kristen. She was willing to help him from the beginning. Kristen was the one who moved the car to keep him from staying in jail.
You would think Marlena would want to help Abe with his soap opera. He’s supposed to be her friend, but it took Leo to convince her to help with the show.
Chanel was at the hospital one minute and at the mansion the next.
Speaking of Chanel, she was on the left side of the bed and now she’s on the right side of it.
Mark talked about murdering Chad at the town square. Anyone could have heard him talking about that.
Abby cried without any tears.
Why would Chanel ask Alex to help plan the party? She knows that Johnny is jealous of her relationship with him so why would she ask him to help her? Johnny has a lot of relatives in Salem so she didn’t have to ask Alex to help her plan his party.
Johnny conveniently knew where Alex lived. He never went there before, but he knew where to find him.
Chad clearly avoided looking at his phone. He put the picture down and clearly tried to avoid looking at his phone. Chad should have seen the text that Kayla sent him.
Xander cried without any tears.
Fiona was talking while Xander was shown.
Chad’s phone should have blacked out, but Abby managed to see Kayla’s text to him.
Why does Sophia have to tell everyone her problems? What makes her think anyone cares?
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