Y&R Best Lines Thursday, October 6, 2022

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Chelsea: Sharon… I’m sorry, I, um — I was so lost in my — in my thoughts, I don’t remember ordering this.

Sharon: You didn’t. You just looked like you needed it.

Chelsea: Oh. Thank you.


Tucker: Yeah. Yeah, it’s been a while.

Devon: Yeah, I know. Well, when was the last time? At that Ashram in Thailand?

Tucker: That’s right. So, it’s been years. We have a lot to catch up on. You have a son?

Devon: Yeah, I do. Yeah. His name’s Dominic.

Tucker: Wow. That’s terrific. Of course, that makes me a grandfather.

[Laughs] Grandpa Tucker. Boy, if I could… and look at this — this newly merged company the two of you run.

Lily: Yeah.

Tucker: And Lily, would you like to join us for dinner? The three of us could compare notes.

Lily: Um, well, thank you for the offer. I’m actually — I’m meeting Billy at Society, so I think, in this way, four would be a crowd. But… [Chuckles]

Devon: That’s a good point. Yeah.

Tucker: It’s just you and I, then. You in?

Devon: Uh, sure. Yeah, why not?

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