Young & The Restless Transcript
Transcript provided by Suzanne and Thane
SALLY: Yeah. Don’t worry. Okay, here we are. Mm-hmm, here we are. You happy to be home? I am, yeah. It was really hard to leave Paris this time. Mm, maybe I have a little something to do with that. Mm, maybe. Ah, there you are. Welcome home.
Thank you. We just got in. I don’t know if either of us knows if it’s yesterday or tomorrow. Well, how was your trip? I can’t wait to hear all about it. I got a lot of work done. It was good. And the rest of the time? The rest of the time was magical. Well, I want to know every detail. Okay, I think I’m going to leave you two to have that conversation. Ah, you don’t have to leave. We promise we won’t make it too embarrassing. Thank you, appreciate that, but I actually have to go check on Phyllis, make sure everything’s okay there. Did you say Phyllis? What sort of trouble has she gotten herself into now?
DANIEL: Thank you.
NICK: Thank you. So Sharon finally checked in with you last night? Yeah. Summer got a call from Mom, too. Yeah, she told me Phyllis is okay. That’s a big relief. You know, given everything that’s been going on around here recently, all the craziness, it’s kind of hard not to automatically assume the worst case scenario. But at least now we know that they’re fine and there’s nothing to worry about. Yeah. Sharon is okay, isn’t she? She seemed fine on the phone. Yeah, but you don’t sound convinced. What’s bugging you about this? I don’t know, Daniel. I’m probably just being paranoid, but this whole scenario of Sharon going missing and then Phyllis going missing at the same time, and now suddenly they’re not, just doesn’t add up for me. I don’t think Audra meant to be so critical. Uh, Phyllis and I don’t like each other. Surprise, surprise. So, what’s her problem? It’s not a problem. She’s just gone radio silence for a little while. SALLY: Which was kind of a blessing. I mean, she did call you like a thousand times when we were in Paris. Okay, maybe not a thousand, but she did call you a lot. She did. But, you know, I talked to Daniel and he said that she’s been in contact with the family and everything is good there and it has to be because we have a lot of work to get done. [phone ringing] Excuse me. You good? Yeah. Yeah, I’m– I’m better than good. Okay. And listen, just because we’re back from Paris, it doesn’t mean we can’t bring that city home with us. Well, I couldn’t agree more. I’ll see you later. It’s a date. Uh-oh. PDA alert. This must be getting serious. Oh, I don’t know about serious, but it’s special. Oh, so tell me. I want to just live vicariously through you, through your romantic romp in the city of light. Well, aside from Phyllis’ interruptions– Which we’ll get to later. I had the best time of my life. That great, huh? And let’s just say I haven’t stopped smiling since I got off the plane. You sound smitten. I’m happy. You deserve it. Especially after being burned by Adam. Thanks. Sorry. So, I have to ask, now that you and Billy have gotten closer, how do you feel about him racing out of here to track down Phyllis, of all people? What’s that all about? Okay, so what specifically about this is bothering you? I found it very odd that when I talked to Sharon, it seemed like she didn’t want to talk to Faith and Mariah. Did she bring them up at all? Only to relay the news to them that she is okay. So, what’s odd about that? I mean, those girls went through hell with the whole Ian Ward and Jordan situation. Yeah. You don’t need to tell me about what kind of hell our family’s been put through recently. No, no, I know, but what I’m saying is Sharon would know that if she were gone for like even ten minutes, it would trigger them. And she sure as hell knows that they want to hear from Sharon herself that she’s okay. Mom did only contact Summer, not the both of us. Why would she do that? Don’t you think that’s bizarre? Look, Sharon and Phyllis go missing at around the same time, then they both call home to tell everyone that they’re okay at about the same time? You want to know what I think?
I think maybe you’re looking for something to be wrong. And hopefully, you’re just getting yourself all wound up over nothing. 7 AM. Our kidnappers want us up bright and early. I can’t believe I slept at all. I can’t believe you used my shoulder as your pillow. Me either. So bony. Shh. Why? What? What are you doing? Oh, damn it. Phyllis, what’s the matter with you? They reset our phones. Oh. That doesn’t bother you at all? Did you think that the voice was actually going to let us call whoever we wanted? Of course, the phones are shut off. They thought of everything. You hear that? Good for you. You thought of everything, you weirdo. Great. That’s going to help.
Name calling. Maybe if you keep that up long enough, they’ll just kill us both to shut you up. I’m sorry. Did I offend you, weirdo? God, this is hell. Say that again. Hey. Do you think that they stayed here all night?
Him. They. The voice. Whoever. Do you think that they stayed here or they left and went home? Or they snuck in here at night while we were sleeping and turned the phones off? No. I can’t– I can’t– I can’t think. I can’t think. I didn’t have coffee. I need my coffee. I need coffee. Then, I can answer questions. [Sharon laughing] What is so hilarious? Everything is so set. Everything is just set to the T to get the day started. You know, this, whatever this is, this has clearly been thought out and well planned in advance. I know. It’s like we’re the only guests at a bad motel. So, what happens next? Yeah, what happens next, freak? What’s the game today? Well, I am no fan of Phyllis’s. Is anyone? That’s a good point. But, I don’t know, for whatever reason, she and Billy just click as work colleagues. Well, from what I heard, not always successfully. Are you talking about her brief tenure at Abbott-Chancellor? Yeah, I have brought that up too. And? And he says this company is going to be different. He has the financial backing and he’s really taking his time to put all the pieces together. He wants this badly. Well, if wanting something was all it took, I’d be running a cosmetics company instead of taking interviews with third-rate startups. Hey, you will have your chance. You’re way too smart not to have someone realize what a valuable asset you are. That’s right. Spoken like a true friend. I mean it. All you need is an opportunity. I mean, look at Billy. That’s all he needed and now look at what’s happening for him now. So, does this mean he’s given up going after Victor to get Chancellor back? Yes. Thank God. I don’t know. It might have been nice to see Victor lose one for a change. Victor Newman never loses. That’s the problem. And I’m just glad that Billy didn’t have to find that out the hard way. Again. Hm. You really want this for him, don’t you? Billy’s a great guy. And he’s had a lot of disappointment in his life. I mean, his mother literally fired him. So, yes. I– I– I do. I want this for him. And if that means that Phyllis is the necessary evil to help him succeed, then… I can live with it. Well, just watch your back with her. That woman is a magnet for trouble. Yeah, you’re probably right. I mean, we’ve all been on edge waiting for trouble. Perhaps this is just an unnecessary concern. Which you don’t think so. I mean, look… it’s just too clean for me, you know? It’s too convenient. Sharon and Phyllis chose to go off the grid at the same time without telling anyone who loves them, not anyone in their family where they’re going or what they’re doing. Throw in the fact that they both call home using burner phones, claiming they lost theirs? At exactly the same time. Sharon also said she lost her phone? See what I’m getting at? I think I’m starting to. Man, I was up most of the night running a bunch of what-ifs through my head. None of them are good. Not when it comes to these two. You sure that’s a good idea? Coffee could be drugged. Oh. Yeah, well, trust me. There’s nothing that can make this situation more surreal and strange than it already is. So, you know what? I’m gonna take my chances. Mm. Coffee. Now, I’m good. I’m good. [Phyllis sighing] Do you want some? No, thank you. If it would make you feel better, I can start crackling around the room like a lunatic or acting like big, giant imaginary bunnies are chasing me. Everything is just a joke to you, isn’t it? PHYLLIS: It’s not a joke to me. It’s just you have to stop worrying about what’s not happening and focus on what is happening. We’re never gonna get out of here otherwise. No, I suppose you’re right. Things really can’t get any worse than they already are. It’s just, you know, I spent all those months under the influence without even realizing it, so it’s not a state I’m eager to get back to. Well, that must have been rough. Yeah, it was really horrible. Although lately, for the first time in a long time, I was actually starting to feel normal again and then this happened. You need coffee. Do you want milk or sugar? What? Why are you suddenly being so civilized to me? SALLY: How are things with you? Are things still solid with Nate? Oh, yes. Very solid. And mixed in with a little drama, courtesy of his newly found brother. They finally met. And that’s a story all by itself. So, Nate’s been working overtime trying to get Damian, that’s the brother, to reconnect with his mom. But it’s just been a struggle. Well, from everything you told me, I mean, I’m not really surprised. Amy lied to Damian about his biological father and about Nate. But she’s dying, Sally. And it’s just so heartbreaking to see her being rejected by her son after all the trouble she went to to track him down. And she is just such a sweet, loving soul. So I can’t understand how the man can have so much anger for her. Amy kind of gets to you, doesn’t she? A shrink would probably call it transference. Because my mother was so absent from my life. But, yeah. Nate and I have gotten close with Amy. So, I guess it’s made me a little soft. Well, I always suspected you had a gooey center. Okay, I don’t know about all that. I just, look, I don’t know how I got caught up in all of this. Okay, promise you won’t laugh. Of course. Okay, so the more time Nate and I spend with Amy, the more it’s starting to feel like… Like a little family. And that’s very new for me. And she’s been staying at Nate’s because of her health. So, sometimes when I wake up in the morning, it’s just the three of us together. Are you crying? No. You are. No, I just, it’s really beautiful hearing you talk about this. That’s it. I’m just touched, okay? You warmed my heart, so you’re just going to have to deal with it. Fine. I just hope Damian can knock down some of those walls he’s put up so this can all just have a happy ending. You know, if you’re right about this, then we need to start thinking about what our next move’s going to be. I agree with you, but for now, we’re going to keep it right here. We don’t want to worry Faith and Mariah and Lucy even more than they already have. That’s funny. Summer said Mom told her to do the same thing. What do you mean? She asked her to keep it quiet. She didn’t want Billy to know about any of the wheelings and dealings that she has going on right now. And she also didn’t even want him to know that she left town.
Hey, boys.
Hey, Billy.
How you doing?
What’s up, man? Uh, have a seat. All right.
How was Paris?
[Billy grunting] Paris was good. It was great. It was too short, but it was good. A lot of good things happened there. Yeah. Phyllis told me you guys are starting a new company. Abbott Communications. She told you that? That’s a little bit of a bummer. I was hoping she wasn’t going to say anything until we were able to officially launch. Ah, relax, man. I’m not going to say anything. Okay, well, just so you know, it is a media company. Yeah, I get it. It’s going to compete against Newman Media. I don’t care. I gave Phyllis my word. I wasn’t going to say anything about it. And I’m giving it to you too.
I really hope it works out for all three of you. Thank you for saying that. I want to thank you again for the opportunity. I mean, it means a lot to me. I’m really glad that you’re on the team, and it’s not just because your mother badgered me. Yeah, well, she definitely did. Well, Phyllis is Phyllis. But I am expecting you to bring your own talent and your expertise and make your own mark. I appreciate it. Speaking of Phyllis, have you heard from her? I’ve called her, left her messages, I’ve got nothing. And I really need to talk to her as soon as possible. Where the hell is she? If we’re going to get out of here, we’ve got to be on the same page with each other. We can’t be sniping at each other all the time. That has to end. Because obviously this game, it’s– it’s linked to our past together. And so you’ve suddenly decided to be a real human being? Okay, see that right there? You can’t do that. That’s a snipe. If I’m willing to set aside my thorough disdain for you, then you’ve got to meet me halfway. Or we’re never going to get out of this mess. Yeah, that seems like the smart way to approach it. Are you being sarcastic? Is that sarcasm? No, no, I’m agreeing with you, Phyllis. Okay? It’ll be nice not to be the subject of your hostility and vengeance for a change.
Okay, so–
Even if it is in
a godforsaken place like this.
I understand. When we get out of here, I’ll go back to how I was. But until then… we work together. Agreed.
[feedback blaring] PHYLLIS: Oh, God. MODULATED VOICE: Good morning, ladies. Are we ready to play? We’re ready. Yeah, what’s next? What do you have for us? [phone alert] Oh, I bubble and flow, dark and gooey, but there’s acid behind the sweetness. Mm. It’s so easy. So easy. The chocolate fountain, remember? Oh, how could I forget? No, you pushed me into it. Yeah, I pushed you, because you have been goading me all day. Plus, you wrote that article about me in Restless Style, calling me an inferior mother. Well, I mean, it was the truth, Sharon. Oh, maybe in your world, yeah. No, you were, at the time, a lousy mother. You picked Adam over your own kids. See, that is a lie, and you know it. Is it really a lie? You didn’t care about the truth then, and you still don’t. It doesn’t matter to you. The only thing that you care about is trying to make me look bad. That’s not hard. Oh, that’s right. I forgot you’ve been a saint your whole life. Well, in certain times, yeah. I mean, compared to you, I have been Mother Teresa. Oh, God, you are awful. Well, too bad there’s not a chocolate fountain for you to push me into. There’s some hot coffee, though. Yeah, don’t tempt me. No, you know what? You know what? I am not going to do that. I’m not going to let you get to me. I am not letting you get under my skin. Pushing you into the chocolate fountain was childish. It’s something that I regret. Are you serious? Do you really mean that? I really do. Well, then, I realize that I should not have pulled you into the chocolate right after me. I realize that.
See? Not our finest hour.
Mm-mm. Thank God we’ve both matured since then. Thank God. Yeah. You know, I smelled like a candy bar for weeks after that. It was horrible, and it was all the wax in my hair.
Mine too
It was so bad. Maybe that’s why we’re here. I mean, maybe it’s so we think of all those trivial things we’ve done to each other. And we can put the focus on the bigger picture. I’m not following. Have you ever thought about it? Like, really thought about it? Exactly why we hate each other so much. That’s pretty obvious, Phyllis. Nick. Mom is fine. It’s just a misunderstanding. So, you talked to her? Yeah, everything’s okay. Great. Is her phone working? It should be. Because every time I call her, I get the same thing. It’s a voicemail, and she’s not calling me back. [Nick sighing] And I don’t think she’s ignoring me. No, she wouldn’t do that. Okay, then what is going on? I actually remember Phyllis saying she was having some phone issues. It’s true. She was. I mean, that’s probably what it is. Come on, you guys. Please. I mean, you can do better than that. Tell me what the hell’s going on. Nothing’s going on. Well, clearly something’s going on, and I need to know what it is. Mom did leave town. Um, I think that she just thought you were going to be gone a little longer than you were. Where’d she go? I do not know where she is. Honestly, I didn’t speak with her. Summer did. Summer said that she was trying to surprise you with some business deal she was working with. Oh, I don’t like the sound of that at all. Business deals I don’t know about? Not good. Summer said she wasn’t specific about it either. Nick, is that true? You seem a little worried. Seems to me there’s more going on here than you’re telling me. Morning. Holden. This is Sally Spectra. Oh. Pleasure to meet you, Sally. You too. So, how do you two know each other? Uh, we are old friends from L.A. [chuckling] It’s funny to run into each other again here in Genoa City, though. Isn’t it, Audra?
Yeah. Hysterical.
HOLDEN: Hm. So, what brings you to town, Holden? Work. But I’m sure Audra will fill you in on all of that. Oh, by the way, the breakfast burrito is killer. I don’t know if you’ve ordered yet, but I suggest you try it. Yeah, yeah, I’ve had it. Yeah, it’s really good. It’s an excellent hangover cure, too, so. Not that I’m an expert or anything. That’s not why I’m a connoisseur either, I swear. I’d ask you to join us, but we were actually in the middle of a private conversation. Of course. I will leave you to it. It’s been a pleasure, Sally. Yeah, likewise. Okay, what was that about? Holden works for Damian. You’re kidding. He’s his right-hand man. That’s crazy. I mean, having someone that you knew from L.A. have any sort of connection to Nate? And it gets even weirder than that. When he first came to town, he pretended to be Damian. What? It completely blew me away. When I first ran into him, I actually wondered if he really was Nate’s half-brother and had just given me some fake name in L.A. Was Nate surprised when you told him? Well, I didn’t tell him. At least not at first. Seriously? I didn’t know what to tell him, Sally. Or how to explain to him who Holden was. Who I’m starting to suspect was more than just an old friend. We dated a bit. I panicked, so I didn’t say anything at all. I was hoping it would all just go away, I guess. Hoping he would go away. Okay, well, I hope that you’ve told Nate the truth since then. I finally came clean. How’d he take it? Well, I expected him to be mad, like I would have been. But Nate was just so gracious and understanding. He gave me a complete pass. Which made me feel worse. You did tell Nate everything, right? Mostly. Audra! Okay, maybe my relationship with Holden was a bit more intense than just a couple of dates. And that’s what Nate thinks it was? I saw no reason to get into all the details with him. Yeah, I mean, I get that. I probably would have done the same thing. But you are gonna have to fill me in. Look, Billy, I wouldn’t worry about it if I was you. I’m sure Phyllis is gonna show up soon and she’s gonna have a good explanation. All right, I gotta go. I really wish you guys luck with your new company. What company? Got it. I’ll call you later. So, you’re gonna tell me what’s going on with your mom? I told you. BILLY: No, you didn’t tell me anything. You and Nick are acting like a couple of scared teenagers nervous to tell their parents that they’re in trouble. Where the hell is your mom? This whole thing started between us when you and Nick slept together. Mm. Do we really want to go there? It’s kind of significant, Phyllis. Yes, it is. It’s also ancient history, Sharon. What are you doing? What are you doing? Yes, we’ve done horrible things to each other in the past. We have done questionable things to each other. But why are you taking us down this bad trip to memory lane? I mean, I don’t understand. To what point? Why do you want to watch this? Phyllis, stop. No, I’m not gonna stop. We’ve actually been to hell and back together. And this latest ordeal with Heather? But you want to watch this for like your own entertainment? I mean, why are they doing this? Why are they putting us through this? We figured out both of your riddles. You said we could advance if we played by your rules. And what’s the point of playing the game if we’re not allowed to win? MODULATED VOICE: A valid request. I will consider a commensurate prize. Oh, great. Look what you did. What? You pushed him.
I pushed?
Yeah, you pushed him. Did you hear what he said? He’s gonna consider a commensurate prize. Great, great. You probably just screwed everything up for us. So, how did you and Holden first meet? He helped me out of a jam with some pushy music people. That much I told Nate. What I didn’t tell him was Holden and I started seeing each other after that. So, like, not just a few dates. It was an actual relationship? I don’t know what you would call it, but it was something. Holden could be a real charmer. Yeah, I clocked that. And he could be fun, too. And we had some great times in the beginning. It was exciting, glamorous. Until it wasn’t. What happened? Things got a little intense. A little scary. What do you mean by scary? Well, Holden liked to live on the edge. And that was fine for a while. But he just kept pushing the boundaries until I had to break things off with him. It wasn’t pretty. And now here he is, back in your life. That must feel strange. I just want him to go back to L.A. as soon as possible. I’m happy and I don’t want to relive the past. I just want to focus on the present with Nate. And I don’t want Holden messing that up. Okay, listen, Billy. Any concern that Nick or I had for my mother is past tense. Yes, we had been worried when she left town and she didn’t tell anyone, but when we found out that she told Summer why and she’d contacted her, we were fine with it. Okay, well, I’m not fine with it.
What’s the problem?
First thing first, she told Nick about Abbott Communications. She wasn’t supposed to do that. He said he’s not going to tell anyone. I trust him. It doesn’t matter. You’re missing the point, okay? I asked her not to do that and she did it anyway. And now she’s out taking deals to surprise me. I don’t like the sound of that. It doesn’t set a good precedent. I don’t know anything about those deals. I don’t even have the base organization set yet. And she’s taking meetings without me knowing about it. That is not a good start to this relationship. I’m going to continue to call her to stop her from whatever the hell she’s doing out there. And if she gets a hold of you first, you tell her to call me.
Do you got that?
Yep. Hey, Sharon, it’s me again. Um, hope I’m not bugging you. I know you’re waiting for a new phone, but I wasn’t sure if you were checking messages on this one. Um, I hope you’re having fun in Sedona, getting a lot of rest. I wanted you to know I did talk to the girls. I let them know that you’re okay. They’re relieved. But honestly, they would really like to hear from you. And, you know, so would I. So, um, if you’re up for it or just want to talk, I hope you know I’m always here for you. Okay, bye. I can’t believe you’re saying I made things worse. Maybe I should have screamed at them like you did. I wasn’t screaming. I was making a point. By screaming. Sharon, if we show fear, we’re never going to get out of here. I wasn’t showing fear, Phyllis. I was playing along. Like we agreed to, remember? Do what they say. Until things turn to our favor. You’re such a doormat. I shouldn’t have expected anything less. That’s right, Phyllis. Bully your way through. Right into a grave. Into a grave, right? Into a grave. At least I’ll go down fighting. Oh, gosh. I can’t work with you. I can’t work with you, okay? You stay in your lane. You stay over there in your lane. I’ll stay in mine. Fine. And may the smartest woman win. Well, that’s going to be no contest. Don’t kid yourself. I’ve beaten you before. And I’ll do it again. ANNOUNCER: Next week on The Young and the Restless. Is today the day you officially launch your attack on me and Newman Media? Is there more to Damian’s story, or? Oh, yeah. There’s a lot more. I’m going to break the window, and then I’m going to scream as loud as I can until someone hears me. No, Phyllis! Give me that! Stop it! Let go! If you do that, you’re going to get us both killed! Captioned by Los Angeles Distribution and Broadcasting, Inc. Captioning provided by Bell Dramatic Serial Company, Sony Pictures Television and CBS, Inc. Join us again for “The Young and the Restless.”
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